Chapter 5

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Ranboo was staring at Dream, and for a moment, it was unclear whether he was in an enderwalk or not.

"You shouldn't be here, Dream." Ranboo finally spoke. "It'll be quite dangerous. I'm just giving you a heads up."

"My sister just died, I need to see her."

"And it's a surprise to you she died...?" Ranboo asked.

"I mean..." Dream knew she would eventually loose a canon life. "No, but-"

"Exactly, you sh-"

"WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING HERE?" Someone shouted from behind Ranboo, muffled due to the sound of a door. Suddenly, doors swung open, a fuming Tommy and a worried Tubbo standing there.


"NO! Don't you DARE 'Tommy' me!" Tommy yelled. "You killed Drista!"

"I killed Drista?!" Dream looked at Tommy furiously, despite the mask there. Almost as if Tommy could feel the rage fuming from Dream.

"Yes! We all saw you!"

"Indeed." Tubbo nodded, standing besides Ranboo now.

"Ugh, what's with all the yelling? I have a super bad headache!" Drista's voice was small, filled with a bit of pain, yet still somehow strong.

Everyone turned to face Drista, Lani standing next to her, supporting Drista.

"We could hear you all the way from in the base." Lani complained, agreeing with Drista on the men being incredibly loud.

"Drista!" Dream said, his voice somewhat hopeful, and happy. The other half was sad.

"Hello." Drista said, unsure of whether to be annoyed with him or thankful to see him.

She knew it wasn't him who killed her.

Or was it?

Dream and DreamXD are the same person... aren't they?

No... DreamXD had said he was a god. Dream is only a homeless, green tele tubby, who was living with his mushroom, colorblind "not" boyfriend.

Drista sighed and hugged Dream. Lani had, of course, let go of Drista/stopped supporting her up, walking over to her own sibling. 

"Michael is fine, by the way." She said.

Honestly, the two youngest people there, Lani and Drista, were most likely the most responsible out of all of them. Ranboo coming in next.

The rest just... weren't even close to being responsible.

In any way.

Drista eventually pulled away from the hug between her brother.

"Sorry, Dream." Drista smiled slyly behind her mask, forcing her voice to sound empathetic. 


"Causing you worry, of course." Drista said. "But I would like for you to leave this area. And to never return. Understood?"

"And what if I do?" Dream tested.

"Well... you have three lives now... test me and see how many are left." Drista said. Dream and Drista both knew the other was not joking.

"What if I just finished you off now, Drista?" Dream asked.

"You wouldn't." Drista said. "You care too much, Dream. Besides, I have an entire army."

"Army? Are you planning..." Dream's voice cut off. "You... it wasn't Wilbur, or Sapnap, was it?"

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