Chapter 7

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<3 sorry y'all, here's an update

"Teagan?" Lani asked, shocked.

"You know her?" Drista asked.

Tubbo laughed and Lani nodded, "She's my older sister!"

"Oh." Drista nodded slightly. Lani exchanged an uneasy look with Drista.

"Lani, can you tell Tubbo to uncuff me?" Teagan said, rolling her eyes.

"Not quite yet." Drista said. "When did you get on the server? When did you join? I've never seen you before."

"Well that's because I joined last night, was almost immediately attacked by Tubbo and some green teletubby! Tubbo had to stab the weird blob thing to get it to go away!"

Drista snickered, "Green teletubby."

"That's what I said. And who might you be?" Teagan asked.

"Uhmm i'm Drista, the Green Teletubby's sister."

"Seems someone got the good genes in the teletubby family then."

Drista held back a laugh. She loved insulting her brother, playfully, but she was obviously skeptical of this newcomer.

"So... why are you here?"

"I dunno. Must've joined the wrong server." Teagan said.

"Shocking Dream didn't ban you." Ranboo cut in. 

"Yeah, anyone who just randomly appears is banned." Drista agreed.

"But Dream was there, according to Teagan." Skepina said. 

"Yeah, Tubbo saw him too!" Lani said.

Everyone looked at Tubbo, who shook his head.

"It was Dream, but wasn't. He had an XD on his face, rather the usual smiley face. He also was taller."

"Oh..." Drista sighed. "That's DreamXD. The God. The one who killed me."

Tubbo raised an eyebrow.

"I stabbed him?" Tubbo questioned.

"Or someone else was there." Drista said.

"Yeah, but who?" Lani asked.

"How would we know? Maybe the boogeyman." Tommy rolled his eyes. 

"Why would they want to spy on Teagan entering the world? How would they even know?"

Drista raised an eyebrow, "Unless someone invites Teagan to join."

"But she said she logged on randomly."

"Come on Lani, she's cuffed and taken prisoner, she could've lied."

"I didn't." Teagan shook her head. "I don't lie."

"Maybe the person was expecting someone else?" Tommy said.

"Enough 'what ifs'. The real question is what is Dream up to? If he was too busy to ban Teagan, what is he doing?"

"Probably bang- never mind." Tommy said.

Drista burst out laughing, and Lani yelled, "TOMMY!"

"WHAT?" Tommy asked innocently, laughing.

"Anyways..." Ranboo laughed. 

"He was probably preparing war stuff." Drista said, her laughs fading out. "I'd assume."

Only part of what the children thought Dream was doing was true.

Dream was building his house, fixing it from the fire. Dream, in all honesty, hadn't thought about the war at all. He thought it was stupid and pointless and that it was never going to happen.

"Perhaps you should talk to Drista?" George asked, the following morning.

He sat on Dream's couch, drinking some coffee.

"I'm not going there just to be killed."

"You do realize that if she starts a war, Sam will put her in prison? She is trying to destroy the SMP."

Dream hadn't thought of Sam, or the prison, since he got out. He wanted to forget.

But he knew what George said was true.

Dream bit his lip, thinking.

"I guess... I can try and talk." He sighed.

"Good." George nodded.

"Or I can let her die and figure it out on her own." Dream said. "I like that."

George rolled his eyes.

// I got freaking writers block for like 30 straight minutes idk //

Drista was biting her nails anxiously, her mask only lifted slightly to reveal below her nose.

It was a few days since Teagan had joined. Most of Drista's gang was prepared for war, and they wanted to go as soon as they possibly could, but Drista wasn't mentally prepared. She didn't know everyones weak spot, weapon preference, enchantments on armor and weapons, and everything else.

Luckily, Tommy had been able to take some stuff, and by take I mean steal, from Techno to build withers, Luke helping out with that.

Lani and Tubbo had stolen some explosives from Wilbur, Skepina gambled some diamonds from Quackity, and Ranboo, being the rich man he was, loaned some netherite stacks. Physically prepared, mentally not.

word count: 666

uh yeah so I got major writers block I have no clue anymore, but ill find smth

anyways hydrate and sleep y'all, and eat something if you can <3 ly all

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