Chapter 6

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Wilbur immediately turned to Drista, figurative flames in his eyes.

"You manipulative little mini Dream!" He shouted, but Phil put a hand on his shoulder. 

"Easy, Wil."

"Yes, I suggest you calm down." Drista glared. Lani's eyes didn't focus, her eyes scanning every inch of the room.

"What do you want?" Drista asked, annoyed. 

"I have a bone to pick with you, little girl-" Wilbur continued. "Blaming me? For forcing you to take that shit revive book? I lost a life because of you!"

"And you'll loose another if you don't shut up!" Drista pulled out her axe, holding it out, a smirk forming behind her mask.

"Wilbur, we will have to restrain you if you don't calm down." Tommy said.

"How could you side with her?!" Wilbur looked incredibly betrayed.

"Wilbur, when did you EVER care about me? You manipulated me, numerous times!"

"She's doing the same thing!"

"No." Lani said. "Drista isn't manipulative. I mean, she is, but not to her friends."

Drista nodded.

Wilbur sat down, glaring at Drista the entire time. Drista ignored him.

"So, what do you need?" Drista asked.

"I want my brother." Techno muttered angrily.

"It's his choice." Drista said. "Lani, please go get Luke."

Lani nodded, speed walking off.

"And you?" She asked Phil.

Phil looked down at his hands, "I wanted you to meet someone. She should be here soon."

"Phil, is this really a good idea though?"

"I believe she will knock some sense into this girl. Stop this war." Phil said.

After a while, Luke and Lani came into the room.

"Luke." Techno glared.

"Oh, hey..." He shifted. "Before you say anything, I like it here. I like starting my own thing. I love you but we need to split ways."

Techno sighed, "It's your choice. But one day, it will be siblings vs. siblings." Techno stood up, towering his younger brother. "And just know, Technoblade never dies."

Techno left after that, Luke going back to his shift or bed, whichever one it was now.

He was obviously nervous, so Drista had Tubbo go comfort him.

After many more minutes of waiting, Phil stood up, everyone in the room turning to the door.

Wilbur's eyes widened.

"PHIL WHAT THE HELL?" He shouted. 

The woman was around Phil's age, dressed head to toe in black robes, some dark and light purple thrown in here and there. She had a kind smile, despite her dark attire.

"Hello!" She smiled. Phil walked over, kissing her cheek softly.

"I am Kristin. Or Mumza, whichever you prefer."

Drista couldn't help but smile. The woman brought her safe thoughts, comfort. She didn't have war on her mind. Instead, she thought good times between her brother and her.

"Hi! I'm Drista!"

Kristin's smile faded slightly. "Oh dear... Drista... I must see you now."

Drista, confused by the sudden change, followed Kristin out.

When the two were alone, Kristin turned to Drista.

"Did... DreamXD talk to you? I could sense his... presence around you."

Drista only nodded slightly. "Why does that matter?"

"He is quite similar to your brother. In fact, the entire 'Dream family' as we prefer to call it, is all very similar. And I have a feeling you are not quite different."

"The Dream family?!" Drista asked, confused.

"Yes... you see, Dream, DreamXD, Mexican Dream, Dreamon, and all those others. All fall into that category."

Drista nodded slightly.

"However, DreamXD is most powerful of them all. He is a God."

"So then how did you know I was around him?"

"I am the Goddess of death. I can sense it, quite clearly, your... I suppose either gift or curse from DreamXD. Depends on how you look at it."

"Well? What is it?"

Kristin looked hesitant on sharing. "I suppose... I shouldn't tell you. It would cause you to do reckless things. Listen to me, Drista. When this new war era is over, I promise to give you a gift. I feel we would be good friends... and you would make a good goddess as well. But until your war addiction is over, I can't give you immortality."

Drista was disappointed, but she had come so far. Even without her brother.

She needed to keep going.

"Alright. See you in a few weeks then!" Drista ran off, quickly kicking everyone else out.

//sorry that was kinda rushed-//

"Well, that kinda dampened the day already." Tommy sighed. Lani nodded sadly, in agreement. 

"Wanna go grieve someones house?" Tommy suggested. "Perhaps George's?"

"Dream's gonna be pissed!" Tubbo said from the corner. Lani rolled her eyes.

"Let's not, Tommy." She said.

"Yes, I'd like to get some sleep tonight." Drista laughed. "Good night everyone!"

She and Lani headed back to the girls area.

"Well... talk about eventful." Lani yawned.

"Agreed." Drista chuckled. 

"Good night, Drista." Lani laid down in her bed, Drista doing the same.

"Night Lani."

The two girls fell asleep, being waken up around 7 the next morning.

"LANI! DRISTA!" Someone knocked on the door repeatedly.

The girls in the room all woke up, Lani sighing and Drista rubbing her eyes, both girls sleep deprived slightly. Skepina seemed fine, though.

"Yes?" Drista called.

"Come quick!" 

It was Tommy.

The girls quickly got themselves ready, rushing over to where the meeting hall/area was. It was fresh, recently built, still brand new and smelling somewhat nice.

There was a girl there, as well, her hands handcuffed, Tubbo talking to her.

"Who are you?" Drista asked, glance over at Lani and Skepina.

Skepina also looked confused, but Lani seemed more shocked than confused.


909 words, sorry for the short-ish chapter. im tired (and forgot to take my pills tonight whoops-). 

but anyways idrk how Teagan acts so im just gonna kinda assume her as a sisterly figure 

I just wanted to include her cuz I have an idea for a new trio :)

pardon my spelling errors or anything I wrote this at 11:30 while being sleep deprived

anyways UPDATES WILL BE MORE OFTEN!!!! hopefully the next one will be either tomorrow or the following day 

ty and hope you have a good rest of you day/night/evening/etc. <3

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