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4 years later

"You're a complete idiot Tae!" Jin threw a marshmallow at his brother's head. Taehyung evaded it expertly. Years of his hyung throwing stuff at him, and he had mastered the art of avoidance.

Taehyung simply stuck out his tongue at his brother and sat in front of the campfire, pulling his hoodie over and  tightened the strings against his chin. He placed the torch under it and smiled eerily. Cute giggles could be heard from the children as they cuddled into their parents' embrace. Junseo chuckled at his uncle's behavior. They were all gathered around the campsite at his halabeoji's farmstead for their annual reunion, and Taehyung decided that they needed to sit around and tell scary stories by firelight.

Jin rolled his eyes and turned to the little gathering, taking in the scene. His eyes fell first on his husband of 7 years, Jungkook, who was sitting with their little boy, Jungwon. Ari was not far off, as she loved to sit with her oppa and followed him around. Jin smiled happily and went to sit next to his husband while Hoseok joined him, settling his twin daughters on the play mat. Taehyung smiled softly when his eyes found his husband and daughters before settling on his grumpy looking father. Taehyung rolled his eyes and prepared to regale his audience with more stories, avoiding the look his father was giving him. But the action didn't go unnoticed by Jin, who sighed heavily and settled into his husband's embrace. Jungkook kissed the top of his head while Jungwon yawned and fell asleep.

"You think my stories are lame hyung? Let's see what you have to say about this one. And it's a true story, so you can't accuse me of making it up!" Taehyung pouted. Jin just sighed and shook his head. Taehyung would remain a child even though he was now married with children of his own.

The last few years had seen many welcomed changes for the Jeons and the Kims alike. Seokjin and Jungkook, welcomed their third child, a son named Jungwon. He was the cutest little apple pie and his papa's miniature. Jin often complained that Jungkook loved him more than all of them put together.

Areum had gone to live with her parents, who had decided to bury the hatchet and live together after Dr Jeon retired. They focused on her healing and transition to a new and healthy life after her sufferings of more than 20 years. It had not been easy, but she was finally on the path to a happier mindset after the trial was over and all Zhang's businesses and illegal tradings, dissolved. A more interesting development had recently taken place in her life, when Jin introduced her to his agent and friend, Kim Namjoon.

Namjoon now stood at the old oak tree and watched as Areum laughed. He smiled softly and their eyes met before Areum blushed and looked away. Namjoon hadn't actually asked her out as yet and Areum was still apprehensive of allowing anyone other than her family into her life.

Taehyung cleared his throat and began.

"There was once a woman who lived an ordinary life. She worked in an office and lived with her two cats in an apartment, alone. One day, she felt dizzy when she was at work and fainted. She was rushed to the hospital where they ran some tests on her but everything seemed normal. She went to work the next day and started to have severe headaches, followed by dizziness. Once again, she fainted."

"They probably didn't check her blood sugar," Jungkook joked and Taehyung sniggered while everyone laughed. He ignored his brother in law and continued.

"When she came to, she told the staff that she had seen a series of colorful circles flash before her eyes and predicted that their boss would not come into work that day as a great tragedy would befall him. Everyone scoffed and didn't pay any attention to her. But true to her prediction, the office received news that the boss's wife had met with an accident and died."

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