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I watched my boyfriend periodically over the next few days. After our tryst in his apartment, and his proposal, he hasn't mentioned it again. But I knew he meant it. He was waiting for my answer. If there's one thing I've learned about Jungkook, it's that, he never does things on impulse. Everything is well-thought out.

To an onlooker, it might seem that he makes rash decisions, but I've come to understand him in these last few months, probably better than someone who's known him their whole life. Also, when he wants something, he'll stop at nothing until he gets it. For this very same reason, I was really nervous about his proposal. What if I rejected him? Would he accept that? Would he force me? Was I even ready for this?

"You're doing that thing again hyung," Taehyung came up behind me at the shop.

I scoffed and ignored him. I was still angry with him and he knew it.

"Come on hyung, you can't still be angry at me?" he tried again.

I ignored him and went into the back of the storeroom. Our new threads for Summer had arrived and I wanted to get a head start on my color schemes and themes.

"Hyung......" he whined and I sighed heavily. I turned and caught his cute, pouty expression.

"What? Don't you think it was unkind of you to do that to your own brother Taehyung?"

I picked up a crate and went to my workstation as he hung his head in shame.

"I'm sorry hyung. That really was uncalled for. I took advantage of your niceness and that's not on. I give you permission to punish me any way you see fit."

"Really now?" I smiled mischievously, a plan already forming in my head.

"Yes hyung. I'll wash your car or even be your slave for a week," he announced. I laughed at his theatrics.

"Fine. Apology accepted. And I'll think on your punishment. For now, I need your help. We'll actually, I need your advice."

"What is it hyung? You seem troubled."

Taehyung looked at me with concern in his eyes. If anything, I knew that was genuine. Whatever my brother was, he was still my only sibling and my best friend. We had a very unique relationship. We fought, we pranked one another but we also knew that we had each other's backs no matter what. In some ways, Taehyung was very attached to me and I to him. After our mom died, we literally only had each other. Dad was busy with the farm and often left us to our own devices. We bonded heavily back then and have been inseparable since.

"Jungkook has asked me to marry him."

I watched as Taehyung's eyes went wide but a beatific smile soon followed.

"I knew he was a keeper hyung. See, you always question my judgement but I knew, I knew he was one of the good ones."

"That's such an absolute lie and you know it Kim Taehyung! You warned me to stay away from him. And now you're claiming you vouched for him."

I snickered and placed a basket of spun cotton between my feet as I gathered the materials to start on my next creation.

"What are you going to do hyung?" he asked me, completely ignoring my rant like it never happened.

"I don't know. I mean, I love him. I know I do. And he's perfect in so many ways. Plus, Junseo adores him and he loves our son. I have no doubts about that. But, it's just that, you know me Taessi, I run away from commitment. And he too has done the same in his past. I'm afraid we'll damage what we have right now if we get married."

Taehyung shook his head. "There you go again hyung, overthinking everything. Just live in the moment and be happy. Jungkook sunbae loves you. He left his life in Busan to be with you and Jun. If that isn't a commitment already, I don't know what is."

Taehyung's words caused me to think deeply. He moved to the front counter when a customer entered and I continued to spin the spool of fiber to the desired consistency. Then I set about making my basket that I had planned on doing with this particular thread. The work was therapeutic and time moved quickly after that. It gave me a chance to do some much needed soul searching and have my internal discussion with myself, uninterrupted.

By the end of an hour, I had a half made basket and a fever pitch of anxiety as I grabbed my phone and car keys, intent on going to my boyfriend. I called out to Taehyung to watch the shop as I called my boyfriend, who I knew was almost done with his shift. He agreed to meet me at home.

Junseo was still at school when I heard Jungkook's key in the door.

"Babe? Are you here?" he called out to me. I giggled softly at how cute he sounded. I became aware of his sigh as he picked up the note I had left on the mantle shelf with a single rose.

Follow the trail and you won't fail.

I could hear him read out. I chuckled quietly. I could hear his soft footsteps as he trailed the path of the petals I had thrown on the floor. I heard him loosen his tie and throw it over the couch, most probably.

It's not far now. Continue on and your destination will determine your destiny

He read out the second note I had placed on a side table. When he threw open my bedroom door and found me on bended knee, the shocked expression he had on, was enough to bolster my confidence. I smiled and opened the box I had placed in the palm of my upturned hand.

Jungkook took the box wordlessly and gasped when he found another note inside.

Yes ♥️

"Oh my God Jinnie!" he squealed and rushed to pick me up. I yelped as my fiancé lifted me up effortlessly and carried me to my bed, capturing my lips in a deep and sensual kiss.



I hope you enjoyed that. Please continue to stream Life Goes on and don't forget to watch the boys perform at GMA tomorrow 💋

I purple you 💜


Love Swty 😘

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