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I can't believe this is actually happening to me. The man who was responsible in giving me my son, actually wants to have a relationship with me. Don't get me wrong, the sex was fantastic and something that I hadn't anticipated but I now looked at it as a bonus. Jungkook was intriguing. He fascinated me with the way he has handled himself thus far.

And now, as I sat out on the porch watching him teach our son how to manoeuvre the small drone across the lake, my heart felt lighter and a soft peace descended over the farm.

"He's very good with Junseo," my father observed.

I nodded quietly, my eyes trained on the man who was slowly stealing my heart.

"Are you okay with all this Jinniessi? I mean, are you sure about him? You've only known him for a short time."

"I know you're worried dad but I just know there's more than him just being the father of my son. He's.... He makes me happy dad and Junseo adores him. My fear of someone being with me but rejecting Junseo has been abated."

"I'm just looking out for you my son. I know how trusting you can be but I also know that Jungkook is a good man. You have my blessings always my son and if he does right by both my grandson and you, he too will have my support."

"Thank you dad." I got up and hugged him as Jungkook turned and watched us for a bit. He blew a kiss in my direction and I laughed at his naughtiness.

"I just hope Taehyung finds someone who can tame him soon. He's getting rather out of hand with the many flings he keeps having. At his age, he should be getting serious about someone too."

I laughed at my poor father's observations of my wayward brother. True, Taehyung has never been serious about anyone since he's too free spirited and believes in one night stands or more flings than actual relationships. Maybe I've been a poor example to him too since I've never been able to commit to anyone either. Well, until now that it.

"Don't worry too much dad. I'll speak to him." He nodded and kissed the top of my head before going out toward the horses. He was going to inspect the sheep pens.

"Hey baby," Jungkook said, coming to give me a kiss on my cheek.

"Hi," I blushed deeply.

"You're so cute angel." He stroked my cheek and held my hand slowly. I blushed harder. "Your ears are red baby. Am I making you uncomfortable?" He teased me.

I shook my head vigorously before covering my face with my hands. His voice was soft and low, laced with seduction and I was just melting at his words. Why was I like this?

"Oh baby." He unwrapped my hands away from my face slowly and pulled me in for a hug. I melted into his firm chest.

"Can you guys knock it off in front of the kid?" Our naughty son laughed, pretending to be fed up with us.

I watched as Jungkook threw a reed at him and chased after our son. The sounds of pretty laughter echoed around me and I laughed along with them, watching Jungkook tackle our son and tickle him mercilessly.

It was our last day and tomorrow we would go back to our separate lives. I was apprehensive about our arrangement now. I mean, I knew we were boyfriends and Jungkook seemed committed to Junseo and me but I had lingering fears after knowing that he wasn't one for commitment and whether a long distance relationship would work for us.

"I can see your mind working overtime hyung. You're over thinking this aren't you?" Taehyung said, coming to stand behind me. I rolled my eyes and punched him on his arm.
"Ouch hyung!" He said, indignantly, rubbing his arm.

"You're such a lightweight Tae," I scoffed at my brother. "And I'm not over thinking. I'm just concerned how we will work out if we live in different states."

"That's the very definition of over thinking hyung! I swear, sometimes you can be a real....."

"Real what huh? Complete that sentence Tae, I dare you!" I warned him and he backed up a few paces.

"I-I wasnt going to say anything mean hyung! Jeez! You're crazy hyung!"

I huffed at him and turned away from him as he groaned at me in annoyance.

"You're bothering dad with your philandering ways Taehyung. I've been ordered to keep you in line," I smirked at him.

"Pfffttt! I'm not a baby hyung."

"You're worrying our father Tae. At least pretend to behave when you're around him."

"Yeah whatever. What time will we be leaving tomorrow?"

"After breakfast. I don't want Junseo to be tired for school the following day."

"Will you miss the doctor?" He teased me.

I rolled my eyes at him. "Fuck off Tae," I warned him.

He giggled and I made to punch him again. He just ran off, screaming that I wanted to murder him, which I actually wanted to do. Jungkook laughed in our direction and came to stand with me as Tae took over playing with Junseo and the drone.

"Come with me baby."

My heart stilled at his closeness and I melted into his embrace. I just nodded, not trusting myself to speak.

"Where are we going Jungkook?" I asked him after we drove out in his jeep.

He smiled and drove us to the cabins, holding my hand to his lips. His warm breath against my skin, tickled my senses and conspired to make me desire him, knowing his intentions.

"I want you Seokjin. I can't be without you. I don't know how I will manage to be without you while I am in Busan," he said as we entered the bedroom in the cabin.

I clung to him as he embraced me tightly before removing my clothes gently. His breath caught at beholding my nakedness and I blushed furiously.

"Don't be shy angel. You're mine now and I'm never going to let you forget that," he said, pulling himself free from his clothes and kissing me deeply.



Hey my swties. How are you guys enjoying this fic thus far? Tell me your thoughts.

I purple you 💜


Love Swty 😙

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