Chapter 4

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We see Peter in college, talking to his friends, Gwen Stacy & Ned Leeds. They're talking about where Doctor Connors is & all. They've been taught by some other teacher these days, let's say Michael Morbius for example.

We cut to Peter going to Connors' house. He knocks on the door, but he doesn't get any response. He knocks more, then rings the bell, still no responses.

We now cut to Spider-Man arriving on the rooftop. He enters the house through a window. He stealthily walks there. His spider sense goes off & he turns to see a bat thrown at him. He grabs it & puts it down. He sees that the person who threw it was Connors's wife, Martha Connors. He tells her to stop but she tries to get more stuff to throw at him. Spider-Man has no choice but to reveal his identity to her. He does. She recognises him. He is Peter Parker, Connors' best student. She stops. She sits on the floor & starts crying. Peter walks to her. He bends at her & asks why she is crying. She says that Connors has been missing for a long time & a giant reptile monster came to their house. He was eying on them for a long time. Their son, Billy comes there & sees an unmasked Spider-Man. Peter & Martha look at him. Peter goes to him. Billy asks him if he can bring his dad back. Peter says "Whatever happens, I will bring your father back, no matter what."

We see Spider-Man going to Doctor Connors' lab. He sees everything is destroyed. He sees weird scratch marks on the wall. He sees a man there. It is Ted Sallis. They talk to each other. Ted says that he was here to meet Connors but he wasn't here & everything was destroyed. They spot a camera down. Peter takes it & decides to check it. They suddenly hear a weird noise, as if something is in a cage. They follow the noise & sees the lab rat he & Connors used for testing the cure, but it looks like a reptile. We can see it taking a piece of another rat & eating it, with it's blood dripping from it's mouth. They are shocked. They then check the footage in the camera now. They see Doctor Connors presenting himself & his "cure". They see him screaming. He throws the syringe onto the camera making it fall down. The camera looks like it's gonna get switched off. They see a reptilian leg. It switches off. Peter now knows that Connors... has turned into a monster. He now knows that the reptilian creature Martha was talking about, was him. He decides to go to find Connors. He knows that creatures like lizards would go to the sewers.

We cut to the sewers. We see rats, lizards & other tiny pests there. But, we suddenly see a green humanoid reptilian creature with a white lab coat, black shirt & blue pants walking, slowly. We see it's face. It is a creepy lizard like creature. He looks like a humanoid lizard. That is Connors. He looks at himself in the water. He regrets his "cure". He covers his face with his hands & he starts running. His tail destroys the walls. He hears a voice calling "Doctor Connors!" He sees that it's Spider-Man. Spidey sees Connors. He knows that's him. He has fear inside him, but he will not let it get in his way. He calls him. He goes near him. The Lizard (that's what we are gonna call Connors) attacks Spidey by hitting him with his tail. They have a fight. He fights with him. This is a really tough battle. Spider-Man escapes. He realizes that Lizard & Vulture are really hard to fight.

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