Fives - Orders

978 21 14

Before getting started with this, feel free to send me any requests, whether it's a specific clone or a plot that you'd like to read!!

Now let's get on with it:)


The skies of Umbara remained dark during the day. Blaster bolts were soaring through the thick atmosphere of the tenebrous planet as the troopers of the 501st clone battalion fought gallantly. Anakin and you led the troops up front, using your blue and green lightsabers to deflect any shots the Umbarans took at you. Your (h/c) hair was loose and flowing as you directed the blaster shots away from not only you, but the battalion you were merely helping to lead.

That was where you stood with the clones. On missions you were needed on, you went. You didn't have your own battalion to lead, and you wanted to keep it that way. The beliefs of the Jedi Code remained strong in your own mind, so it seemed wrong to fight for the Republic instead of simply being a keeper of the peace like you were meant to be.

No matter how you felt, most Jedi felt the same way and still chose to protect and fight for the Republic. It wasn't much of a choice to anyone, since most Jedi became generals of their own clone legions. So far, the council has obliged to your request that you don't receive your own legion, but you had a feeling it wouldn't last much longer.

You have been on Umbara for only a few hours by now and you had already lost quite a few clones. Anakin's strategies were effective, but this battle was deadly. The war would leave a dent on not only Anakin's battalion, but the whole Grand Army of the Republic.

Even though most clones were viewed as "expendable" and were only bred for the war, they were still living men who fought and died for the Republic. It was expensive to keep producing more clone troopers, but the Kaminoans never rested. That's why the clones were merely disposable, and why you didn't want a battalion of your own.

"Anakin! We need to advance!" You shouted while deflecting more blasters away from yourself and the men of Anakin's battalion. You knew a few of his men men, such as Captain Rex, Jesse, Hardcase, Tup, the medic Kix, and ARC trooper Fives. That was about it.

They all respected you, including Fives. He probably had the most respect for you. You and him were decently close to each other. You have only ever been on one other mission with him, but you see him around Coruscant every now and then. Every time you two cross paths, you talk for a while. There was one time he even invited you to lunch with Echo before his passing.

"We are trying! They seem to be everywhere around us," he shouted back. Jedi had many great qualities, such as enhanced strength, senses, and the ability to persevere, even in the worst of times. Though right now, those qualities seemed to elude you.

Your defensive strategies were weakening and your blocks became more sloppy, letting few blaster bolts slip past your saber. The ones you were able to hit had all been directed in random directions. None toward your men, thankfully.

Anakin seemed to notice your movements, a mixed expression plastered on his face.

"Fight a little longer, (y/n)! We can make it," Anakin reassured you, allowing his words to give you the littlest bit of energy and perseverance to get through this battle. Soon enough, the Umbarans began to retreat and the firing soon ceased.

"What now?" You asked, panting and sheathing your light green lightsaber once you were officially in the clear.

"Yeah, what now?" Captain Rex asked Anakin as he sheathed his own saber.

"We keep moving. We can find a place to rest for the... night..." Anakin looked up at the dark sky that never truly changed brightness. You weren't sure how any Umbaran was able to tell what time of the day it was.

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