Fives - Orders (pt. 2)

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Your lips stayed on Fives' for a few seconds, enjoying the rhythm you two created. Just the way you both tied your lips together with love and passion was perfect. Nothing could beat the way you felt at that moment. You wished it could've lasted forever, or even another couple of minutes would have been perfect. Instead, another trooper entered your quarters. Both you and Fives whipped your heads in the direction of the door, revealing a shocked Hardcase.

"So much for knocking!" You exclaimed. Rolling off of Fives, you stood next to the bed and fixed your dress so it covered more of your skin. Fives just sat up on the bed, looking in the same direction you were.

"Uh, my apologies," Hardcase attempted not to laugh, but he failed. "Jesse, you owe me five credits!" He shouted through his comlink.

"Hardcase," Fives growled, standing up from the bed. He towered over you, having an extra six inches above you. He stood proud to be in only half of his armor. When you realized your eyes were now focused on the ARC trooper, it took all of your power to tear your gaze away from his perfect features.

"Sorry, General (l/n), but Krell is having us move out and march blindly to our deaths in the direction of those long-range missiles to 'support' General Kenobi. His reckless strategies will result in some of the highest casualties we have ever seen," Hardcase explained. Your face relaxed a tad as you recalled your debacle with the men just an hour earlier.

"Yeah, and we have done everything in our power to change Krell's mind, but not even Rex can sway him in the right direction," Jesse walked up behind Hardcase, making the hyperactive clone turn to look at his brother.

The two clones didn't have to say much more. Fives, who was once angry that your time with him was interrupted, now displayed a look of agreement with his brothers. You knew well what the troopers were about to ask.

"Look, I'll do what I can to talk to him. But just because I am a Jedi General doesn't mean I'll change the way he does things. I don't agree with his strategies one bit... but he has the most authority." You explained.

Crossing your arms, the two troopers who stood in the doorway nodded in your direction and continued to walk away from your quarters. The heavy metal door whirred shut once they were out of sight. Looking at Fives, his eyes trailed down to look at you with worry.

"I'll do what I can," you reassured him, a small smile attempting to cheer him up.

"I just hope that Krell will allow you to change his mind. I can't bear to lose any more of my brothers," Fives furrowed his eyebrows in anger, allowing his hatred for the general to fuel his rage. Except, hate wasn't the only thing you could sense in him. Disobedience.

"What are you thinking about?" You asked, skeptical of his desire to disobey someone's orders. The ARC trooper gave you a clueless look, an eyebrow raising as he attempted to rid those thoughts. "Fives, I'm not stupid. I can sense it."

With a sigh of defeat, he looked down at the floor beneath you two and began to explain his plan. He was taking Jesse and Hardcase up to the supply ship with the Umbaran fighters in an attempt to cut enemy supply lines. It was against everything Krell had ordered. Even Rex warned the troopers, but the three men were persistent in achieving their goal.

"Fives," you sighed. "It's dangerous. Not only to fly right into an enemy blockade, but to disobey Krell."

"I know. But it's worth the court-martial," Fives spoke proudly. There was no convincing him to stay on the ground of the dark planet, so a look of defeat took over your facial expression.

"Be safe," you whispered, holding his cheek with your right hand. Fives melted into the touch, his eyes closing and a smile tugging at the corners of his lips.

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