Fives - Bodyguard

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Senators should be able to travel the galaxy without the need for unnecessary protection. They should be able to travel like normal civilians. Unfortunately for you, that wasn't true. You were a senator of Riosa, a beautiful inner rim planet with Republic affiliations. You were on Coruscant for the first time in your term as a senator. An important meeting being held in the senate building drew your attention.

You were excited to go. The planet was one big city and truly beautiful to you. It was much different than a more rural, natural planet such as Riosa. But the most important aspect that made this journey worth it was seeing one of your oldest friends, Senator Amidala of the Naboo.

After the start of the war last year, Prime Minister Boman Oridomi ordered that any politician on his planet remains off Coruscant due to safety issues. You weren't sure why, since Coruscant was the heart of the Republic, but you never argued with him. After all, Bo was your brother.

After he started his first term as Prime Minister, he changed his last name from (l/n) to Oridomi so you wouldn't get any threats if people disagreed with his leadership. He was more than protective of you, but you didn't mind it. Although, things started to get even more strict recently since safety issues rose with the war. Your safety was his top priority, even if you tried to reason with him.

But here you were, on the big city-planet known to be the very heart of the beautiful Republic. The senate building was much larger than you anticipated, and soldiers in indigo armor were surrounding the entire building. The one thing that caught your attention was the sight of a few troopers at the main entrance who wore white and blue armor. Armor that differed greatly from what you assumed were senate guards. There was already a trooper in indigo armor waiting to escort you from your ship.

"Senator (l/n)?" The guard asked. You nodded in response. "Follow me."

As the guard began walking, you followed close behind him. It was a habit since Riosa guards escorted you everywhere on that planet. The only time you didn't have guards constantly protecting your space was... well... never. When you used the refresher or went to sleep, guards still stood outside your doors to keep you safe.

It was overbearing or your brother.

Getting closer to the large, round building, you could see a man and a woman standing beside the few troopers who had blue armor. The closer you became to them, the more you could depict the woman who stood talking to the tall man. A smile took over your face as you recognized who the woman was.

"Padmé!" You called out, seeing her turn in your direction. She smiled the moment she recognized you, waving you over. The trooper led you over to her, stepping behind you when you got close enough to hug Padmé.

"(Y/n), how have you been, my friend?" Padmé asked you.

"You know, I've been," you hinted toward all of the distress that was present from the war.

"Hopefully the war will soon be over. The senate has been nothing but hectic," Padmé sighed while shaking her head. "Oh! Forgive me for not introducing you. This is my good friend Anakin Skywalker."

Looking at the tall Jedi, you smiled and he bowed in your direction. "Nice to finally meet the Riosa senator that Padmé always mentions." He smiled.

"Nice to meet you as well, Master Jedi," you nodded back.

"These two men are some of my finest soldiers, Captain Rex and ARC trooper Fives. I figured I would introduce them since they're here. Since the Prime Minister of Riosa instructed us to protect one of his top senators, Fives here will be escorting you everywhere," Anakin explained. You sighed and closed your eyes.

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