Wolffe - I Hate You

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"You weren't needed on this mission."

"Well you're not Master Plo's padawan!"

"Padawan is not commander!"

"Last time I checked, I'm stronger than you!"

"You want to test that, little girl?"

"Both of you, knock it off!" Master Plo shouted, stepping between you and Commander Wolffe. "We will never get through this mission if you two don't stop bickering!"

"Tell that to Commander Dog! He started it all," you blamed. Wolffe grit his teeth and furrowed his eyebrows in fury.

"Okay then, Padawan Piss," Wolffe shot back, shoving your shoulder. You stumbled backward a bit, and that was your turning point. You threw your fist at him, but a strong force stopped you mid-air. Master Plo had his hand up, holding you away from his clone commander with the Force. He yanked your arm away from Wolffe before you continued to fight.

It was a normal thing for you and Wolffe to fight like this. You had just recently completed your Jedi trials, becoming an official Jedi Knight. There were a few months after your trial where you didn't go on missions with your master just for this reason, but he requested you come on this one. You already regretted agreeing with him and the council to put you on this mission.

You weren't even sure how it started. You and Master Plo were always extremely close with each other. When the Clone Wars started and your master was given the 104th battalion, that relationship you shared with him had changed. He became much closer to the commander of the battalion, and you were nothing but jealous of the stolen attention.

It's been that way for about two years now, so it was nothing new. You and Sergeant Sinker somehow got along really well, it was only Wolffe you couldn't seem to agree with. Even if you weren't jealous of the attention, he would have found you to be "in his way" like he has told you on many past missions.

"(Y/n), just let it go. You need to be able to live with him for the next few days while we are here on Mirial," Master Plo explained, pulling me away from the commander. Wolffe ended up walking in a different direction toward his sergeant.

"Why did you even want me on this mission? You know damn well I can't get along with that man!" You argued.

"Because I would like you two to get over your differences! You were my apprentice, (y/n), and I want you to be able to get along with my men. And to do so, you are spending time with him. That's the last of it," Plo Koon ordered.

"Thanks, Master," you mumbled, rolling your eyes in anger. He chuckled before placing a hand on your shoulder.

"He is a great soldier, just how you are a great Jedi. You have many similarities that you both need to share amongst each other," Master Plo encouraged, but you were extremely against the idea he proposed.

"We'll see about that," you huffed, walking away from your master to go find Sinker. Commander Wolffe had gone somewhere else on this cold planet. The local Mirialans were kind enough to have given Comet, Sinker, Warthog, Wolffe, Plo Koon and you a place to stay while you were there on the planet. There were three small rooms in a cabin-type place, so you automatically assumed you'd be sharing a space with Master Plo.

Sinker was sitting on the grassy ground beside a small campfire, cleaning his blaster with a towel. His helmet was on the ground beside him, shining like it was brand new. He probably cleaned that off first. Sinker was really proud of his weapons and armor, so much to the point where he cleaned them every minute he got the chance.

Comet and Warthog were deep in a conversation on the other side of the fire, acknowledging your presence before continuing to talk.

"Hey, Sink," you greeted the sergeant, meeting his brown eyes. He flashed you a small smile before looking back down at his blaster.

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