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Clones in orange armor moved swiftly, boarding a gunship to be taken down to the planet's surface. Obi-Wan stood beside you, waiting to get on the ships last. You watched the way those few men boarded, how excited they were to be heading to a tropical planet. However, Obi-Wan had felt differently about the mission.

Few troopers of both the 212th Attack Battalion and the 501st Battalion were headed to the planet of Scarif. It was a neutral planet, empty to say the least. Not a single base or building had been detected when it was scanned. It was all just sand, grass, and water. The reason the two battalions were headed there was because of a theory. A theory that Separatists were conspiring there, bringing thousands of battle droids to the location for unknown reasons.

Once all men had boarded the gunships, it was up to you and Obi-Wan to double-check and make sure all clones chosen to go to Scarif had made it. It was only about five troopers since these theories were not confirmed. If they were confirmed, more troops from both battalions would be sent to the surface of Scarif. The minute everything was cleared, Oddball motioned to you and your brother to board.

Yeah, brother.

Obi-Wan was your older brother, and everyone knew this. It was surprising to people at first. Even now it was surprising to some people. Despite not looking very alike, you were two entirely different people. He was all for following orders strictly, celebrating rarely, and doing things almost entirely "by the book". As for you, you were much less strict. Celebrating was annual for you, along with drinking, Good times outweighed the bad ones.

This mission scared your brother for one reason only. This mission included Anakin and his battalion, and he knew Anakin wouldn't make the situation any better. You and Anakin always fooled around, playing pranks and making jokes at the worst times. Very few times was Anakin serious on the battlefield with you, and Obi-Wan knew that.

"(Y/n), can you do me a favor for the next few days?" Obi-Wan asked you once you were both standing side-by-side on the gunship.

"Maybe, maybe not," you responded.

"I'm being serious. Take this mission seriously. No fooling around," he spoke. Your next response was just an exaggerated huff, which caught Commander Cody's attention. The smallest laugh could be heard coming from under his helmet, even if he tried his hardest to hide it from his oldest Jedi General.

When you first decided to help your brother lead his battalion, the men couldn't figure out who to call who, since both you and Obi-Wan were Kenobi's. Every time a trooper would call out General Kenobi, both you and your brother came running. Eventually, you told your troops to call you General (y/n), a first name basis to differ your brother from you. It was a relief to everyone, including you and your older sibling.

"But it's so rare to be able to go on a mission with Anakin and his men without having to go through the whole 'special assignment' hassle. That ruins the fun of it. But this time, this is not a special assignment," you pointed to Obi-Wan, making him roll his eyes so far back to the point where he could probably have seen his brain.

Although, he didn't answer. He knew damn well there was no way he was going to persuade you to follow the mission's strict orders. After all, the rumors were just rumors. Who knew if battle droids and Separatist spies were conspiring on the planet below.

The large bunch of gunships left the Jedi Cruiser's main hangar, heading down to the tropical planet below. Anakin and his battalion were on another cruiser, hopefully heading down at the same time. Being this excited to be on a mission with him made you feel like a youngling again. The feeling of excitement rushing through your veins already made this journey to Scarif ten times more exhilarating.

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