Chapter 5 | Malfoy Manor

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"Good morning, lovely." A tiresome Harry mumbled into Elektra's hair, his muscular arms pulling her in closer to the warmth of his body. El stirred in her sleep on the poorly made camper bed they had been sharing, though she wasn't complaining, having spent two months without him.

"Morning, Potter...why are you awake so early?" She slurred out as she nestled her body into his. Harry sighed, "I'm thinking." He paused. "Thinking about what colour the walls will be when we move in together." He sarcastically muttered, causing a soft chuckle to erupt from out of El, who was beginning to wake up more. She turned her body so that she could face him. "What were you really thinking about?" She asked as her hands fumbled in his hair. He took a sharp intake of breath, lifting to lean over her, sending a loving trail of kisses from her neck to her collarbone before El pushed him away with a giggle, "You can't distract me with kisses, you know? What's on your mind?" Harry sighed again, "What isn't?" He stressfully mumbled, crashing down onto El's front. "How are we going to find the remaining Horcruxes from a tent? Does Sirius have me a death wish? And I haven't stopped thinking about all that Animagus talk. There's just something about it that feels right." El opened her eyes more, adjusting to the light from the early morning sun. "You actually want to become an Animagus? Did you even read the spellbook! You have to keep a leaf in your mouth for a month. We both know you and me don't bloody shut up." She half-joked, half-warned, but Harry nodded his head, "Our dads did it, and they were the school's jokers! I mean, it would come in handy. I'm so sought after that shifting into an animal at will might be beneficial. Take a look at how it aided Sirius." El nodded her head, yawning as she forced the clogs in her brain to start working. "I suppose you're right. I read the chapter in Hermione's book again last night when you fell asleep. It is lengthy. When the process of becoming an Animagus goes wrong, it often goes gravely wrong. We're talking frightful half-human, half-animal modifications with no recognised cure." Harry's face squirmed, "Perhaps I need to ask for Sirius' advice given that he will still want to speak to me." El rested her hand on the top of his messy hair, "Of course he will. He felt terrible about what happened."

"Oi, Oi boys. What do we have here?"

Harry and El both lifted out of their bed with enough force that one of them could have gone flying. "Who was that?" El hissed as Harry reached for his wand, putting on his shoes as he scrambled towards the tent entrance whilst El flung her pillow at Hermione, who woke up instantly. "What?" She grumbled, but El didn't need to tell her as her face recognised the panic from Harry, who was peering out of the tent flap. He hurriedly turned around, grabbing El's coat and flinging it her way, "We need to leave immediately." Harry shook Ron awake, who woke up in fright, "What the bloody hell do you think-" He started, but Harry put a finger to his mouth to tell him to keep quiet. "Snatchers. They work for Voldemort. We need to go."

The teenagers all hurriedly got dressed as Hermione tried to reassure them, "Don't worry about the things in the tent; it'll all disappear back into the bag." Although her words offered a calm to the storm, El was more concerned about a way out and fled to the back of the tent as the sounds of the Snatchers stopped, with El listening closely. "El, come away from there," Harry ordered as he got out his wand, listening to footsteps, but it was too late.

The tent's fabric flung open, and a grim-looking, grease-ball of a man stood tall with a smirk on his face, "Ah! We 'ave been looking for this one all bloody summer. Elektra, is it?" Within seconds, his hands were gripping around her shoulders, his long dirt-ridden nails digging into her, causing a few holes through her jumper. Before she could react herself, Hermione and Harry both performed the worst spells they could conjure. Except they were no use as Elektra vanished into thin air with the rest of the Snatchers piling into the tent with attacks flying left, right and centre.

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