Chapter 14 | Hogwarts' Best Mischief Makers Yet

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They strolled through the corridors as if they were the most popular students at Hogwarts, and to some, it was no question that they were, but to others, they were still Sirius Black's daughter and the boy from under the stairs. They were fighting a war that they were utterly unsure if they would even win, yet they were still teenagers, with the Wizarding community looking to them for guidance. One with the unseen before magical powers, and one who had to be the Wizard to overthrow Voldemort, and that in itself was stressful enough to make a wise person grow insane. Yet, they both had a fire inside of them that kept pushing them to greatness, and they would win it- together. 

It's what fueled them when they followed a ghost through the walls of the castle, down the castle's path towards a lone boat that then eventually sailed across the black lake. It was a fire laced with brave persuasion when it came to asking him where Dragons were kept. It was the bravery of going against their school rules for what seemed like the last time. It was what fueled the mischievous smile when Elektra persuaded the famous Magizoologist to aid them in the destruction of one of the last Horcruxes- one step closer to being able to end Voldemort's reign. But Charlie wouldn't help them, nor would Hagrid, no matter how many Butterbeers it cost them. Though Scamander was no longer alive, nor a student or teacher- his role in this did not matter; what mattered is that he could put them on the right path to success.

Which he so willingly did.

"Where was this boat when I nearly crash-landed on this lake two years ago?" El huffed as she wrapped up in her beige coat and checkered scarf, as Harry helped to row the boat across the lake. Luckily they were under the Cloak of Invisibility after sneaking out of the protective sphere from a hidden tunnel thanks to the Marauders Map. No one could find them, and no soul could see them, except a forgotten boat towed by the lake's currents. It was a clever idea, but El wondered where a Dragon could be on a small haven like Bowtruckle Island.

"It's usually hidden. Among other things." Newt mumbled as he kept glancing around him for oncoming Death Eaters. El's ears picked up. Among other things? What else hid there? 

When they arrived at the lake, Harry helped El out of the boat as Newt glided towards the island, seeing no visitors lingering on the shores, though El and Harry stayed under the cloak. "Are you sure he can be trusted, El?" Harry whispered under his breath. El nodded her head, although she felt an uneasy feeling fill her up.

Newt led them up past the Bowtruckle colony, not stopping to greet them all, as he once did. He sped past trees and muddied sandbanks, glistening rock pools, and wild, magical creatures until he stopped at a rather peculiar item that sat perched inside of a hollowed tree. El and Harry couldn't see, of course, but as he pulled it out of its hiding spot, it became clear what it was! 

"A suitcase? You brought us out here for an old-fashioned suitcase!" Harry couldn't believe it. Unless there were directions to the magical creatures hidden inside it, there were no big beasts on this island.

Not that he could see, anyway.

Newt turned around, huffing silently. "Ah, and that is the beauty of it. To everyone else, this is merely just a bag, but to those who know of the truth- this little old thing is my life." Newt lifted the suitcase lid, and without blinking, El watched the ghost slide inside the case and into the ground! 

Harry and El looked bewildered at one another. 

"Did he just-" El gasped, both of them running to the case in awe. The opening to the case was gloomy at first, and at the bottom of what looked like a tunnel with a ladder attached to the side, stood Newt who called out for them to join him. Light from a gas candle lit the pathway as Harry stopped El from climbing down in excitement. "Wands out, El. I still don't trust this guy." He muttered in a dark and demanding tone, his deep-routed protection for her revealing itself once more. However, El did as he said before climbing down into the suitcase.

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