Chapter 15 | Winter at Moony's

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Author's Notes:

This chapter is rated MATURE. Please read on with caution, or don't read at all.

Several months had ticked by since Elektra and Harry's most incredible adventure yet. 'The new Marauders' they held the nicknames after Remus and Sirius' tipsy filled nights where they would laugh about the two over countless glasses of firewhiskey, leaving one out for James to join them. 

Voldemort had grown more powerful in numbers yet remained hidden for the time being. They wondered where he was, pausing to think if the Malfoy's had set up camp for them at their manor or if he was stalking nearby. But it didn't stop them from deciding that they didn't want to spend their time at Hogwarts for Christmas and were determined to use it hidden away at Moony's with a neat little protection charm around the house; the very protection charm that protected Harry at the Dursleys. 

It was the least they could do for the unhappy teenagers. Jada's parents had instructed her to stay at the school as London remained packed with growing Death Eaters, which meant she was to tag along too, alongside Hermione, which left Ginny and Ron. They were forced to go back home with Charlie to see Molly and Arthur again (with Ron in for a walloping) and promised that on Christmas Eve, they would all come round by Floo Network (that was if someone hadn't died in the meantime, of course.)

 "Right, well, this is it. It isn't much." Remus embarrassingly admitted as the two wealthier students, Hermione and Jada, entered their Professor's quaint home for the first time. Hermione sighed, "It's great, Lupin. We're very grateful. Aren't we, Jada?" Hermione insisted, placing her bags down onto the hallway's dirtied carpet. Jada looked back to El, who was far too happy to be back in her childhood home. "Incredibly." She smiled wide as she placed down her gazillionth designer bag, most likely filled to the brim with the latest Muggle make-up. 

When they were all settled into their new rooms, with Hermione, Jada and El all in El's old bedroom, and Harry being placed on the couch by Sirius in case Harry or Elektra forgot they were sharing a relatively small house, Remus lit the fireplace. 

"This is reminding me of old times, you know?" Sirius spoke up over his milky toffee flavoured coffee as Remus sat back down on the couch. "How so?" He curiously asked, so desperately needing to sleep. "Well," Sirius began, perching himself down onto the couch next to him. "We used to come here during the holidays with James, Lily and Marlene. Plus the wretched git who I'd rather not name." He muttered, placing an arm behind his husband and running a hand through his hair as he slurped on his coffee. Remus smiled, "Do you think the Marauders are being taken over by girls this year then?" He joked, hearing the giggling coming from upstairs as Harry bounded down the stairs away from said giggling. 

"God, I wish Ron were here," Harry mumbled, sinking into the lone chair opposite the two men. Sirius snickered, taking his arm from behind Remus, who was gently nodding off from the head scratches- in true Wolf fashion. "Ah! Yet this will give us more time to catch up." He suggested, winking at his Godson. "Forgive me for my bluntness, but I'm sure you have so many stories to tell me about when you ran off with my daughter." He sarcastically asked, turning his body to try and tease and terrorise Harry. 

Harry slumped into the chair further than he already was, as his cheeks glowed red. Where was this leading to? He nervously thought to himself, watching Sirius' smirk grow. "Actually, whilst we're on the topic," Sirius began, "-you did use protection, right?" Harry nearly choked on his spit as his cheeks glowed with red rage. Sirius carried on, "Because if I was your age, trapped in a tent for months on end and a beautiful girl that I liked was also there-" 

Sirius suddenly felt a slap on his arm and jumped abruptly, catching eyes with one-eyed open Remus. "I can still hear you, you know? Besides, both of them are mature enough to realise the lasting effects of unsafe sex, as Sirius is very well acquainted with." He looked over towards Harry, who carefully nodded his head. "Padfoot, your daughter is legally an adult now, as will Harry be soon enough. Best to drop it." Remus sleepily muttered, closing his eyes once more. Sirius quietly scoffed at his husband, keeping up with his Godfatherly banter. "But did you, though?" He turned back to Harry to try and taunt him even more, ignoring his husband's orders, which caused another thump on his arm from Remus.

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