Chapter 4

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Lucas pov.

 Leaving Noble alone with cart, I wondered off into the nearby forest. There's a town close by, I'm just waiting for the idiot to realise that he could take the cart there for a fix if he couldn't. I took a walk in the nearby forest. It was peaceful to say at least, no Noble talking my ear off or Connor barking my ear off, or bandits trying to steal from us and we'll have to fight to survive. Wow, I live a stressful life.

 I kept on walking till I heard a faint but soft humming of a tune. I followed the soft tune till I eventually came to a flowery field, hidden amongst the trees with only a ray of sunglight highlighting the flowers. I also noticed what was singing the soft hum I had just followed. She was siting in the middle of the field, her back facing towards me. She had long curly inky black hair that looked beautiful in the ray of sunlight.

 She hadn't noticed my presence yet so I took the opportunity to walk towards her to get a closer look at her. I realised she was making a flower crown and it was obvious that she was so into it cause she still didn't notice me until she decided to take a look at her half finished work. I think she finally noticed me and turned around, which gave me a full look at her.

 She looked young, like really young, about 4 or 5. She had light tanned skin and was of really small height and stature, had big doe eyes of the aqua green colour, a cute button nose and tiny plump lips that were parted open due to her being shocked. I kept observing her features before I realised that she was also observing me, I then smirked. 

 She blushed and quickly turned around as she knew that I had caught her staring. She was fidgeting a bit so I stopped smirking and observed her once more. She then turned around once more and looked at me. It was then I noticed that she was wearing an old and raggedy dress. It looked like it an old sack more or less but she still looked pretty in it.

 She then put her fingers in her mouth and started sucking. I don't know why I but I felt really uncomfortable watching her suck her fingers. It was a new feeling, and why was that feeling in my dick? Gosh I sound like a pervert. I'm getting turned on at the sight of a girl who might be at the age of 4, sucking her fingers. 

 I slightly gulped and reached out to pull her fingers out of her mouth. I then grasped her chin with the same hand and used my thumb to stroke her bottom lip while staring at it. I don't know what was coming over me but thank god I was snapped out of whatever trance that was when she pushed me, startling me and allowing her to escape my hold and run.

 I watched her run, I wish I didn't let her go too soon. Hopefully I'd see her again, and maybe ask for her name this time. As I kept thinking about her soft her lips were, I realised an uncomfortable feeling in my trousers. I looked down and saw a tent in the material, where my dick was. 

 The pain was raging. Hopefully it would calm down before I went back to wherever Noble was. I'd like to avoid Noble asking me questions involving what made this to happen. I face palmed myself and sat down in the field to calm my self down. I'd really hope I'd see her again.

Alicia's pov

 I groaned at the thought of having to go back to the stream to get the washing. I really didn't want to see that guy again. He made me feel awkward and embarrassed, and he didn't even say anything to me. He was weird and I didn't want to have to see him again.

 As I was pondering my thoughts about the situation, Miss Dean came along and asked for the clothes I was supposed to bring back. I got nervous. 

 "I- I- um...." I stammered not knowing what to tell her. Come clean and tell her that I forgot the washing, or lie. Either way, I was getting a really serious scolding or spanking. 

 "Speak up Alicia! Where is the washing? I need to dry them, now answer me!" She raised her voice. 

 "I- um... I- I f-forgot the washing um...... at the stream" I was getting scared. She was usually strict with me and never hesitated to punish me even when the case wasn't that bad.

 She grew red with rage at my confession to the point that I almost swore that I saw steam coming out of her ears. 

 "YOU INSOLENT CHILD!!!" She yelled and grabbed my hand. 

 "You never do anything right and you don't want to learn your lessons! I guess I'll just have to keep punishing you until you eventually do decide to behave!!" She yelled while dragging my struggling self into her room. 

 She bolted the door and sat her on her bed. She then put me over her lap and spanked me. It was hard and painful and I kept crying with each hit.

 After 15 hits, she put me down and forced me to go back to the stream and rewash the clothes, then can I come back to the mansion. At that point, I didn't care if he was there anymore, my bum ached and my tears just kept falling. I kept sniffling as the tears just kept falling down. I tried to quiet it down as kept walking but Rick just had to appear and try to make the moment worse for me.

 "Aww, did the little baby get scolded for being such an idiot? Well that's what you get for being an orphan" he snickered and ran off.

 Sometimes I wonder how Rick and I still manage to meet in this huge mansion. I walked all the way to the stream while trying to hold my tears and once I had reached my destination, the tears came pouring out again. Sometimes I wish I wasn't an orphan or at least, I wish nicer people had taken me in.

 I kept crying, trying to make them quiet as possible, as to not disturb any one passing by until I felt someone walk over to me. I sniffled before looking up and I saw him again.

      Wow, another chapter. I hope the chapters will get longer than this. Please comment how u feel about the chapter and don't forget to vote.

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