Chapter 9

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Lucas's pov

 Getting in the mansion wasn't a big deal for us once they saw that we were 'doctors', seems like they were desperate cause of their sick child.

 I gave Noble an order before I going into the lounge area to talk with the masters of the house. A Count, a Countess and their children, a son and a daughter. One looked at me with longing, the other with envy. I guess it hurt him pretty bad when he found out that he was older than me, even if it was with one year.

 While we were talking, outside the lounge room and thanks to my superb hearing skills, I heard a female servant asking where the 'mutt' was to a another female servant.

 "Do you have a dog in your mansion?" I asked with curiosity.

 "No, we don't have one. Our youngest child is allergic to dogs so we can't have one. We used to, but not anymore" the Countess sighed.

 "But as I came in, I heard a servant asking for where the 'dog' was" I lied.

 "Oh. The servants must have secretly kept a dog without our permission. We don't allow dogs here because of the youngest child's condition" the Count spoke with a laugh.

 "Hmm" I hummed while taking a sip of the tea I was offered.

 "Do you only have three children?" I asked.

 "We actually have five but the older two have moved out" the Count said as the children nodded.

 "So besides from your youngest son, you people aren't taking care of an even younger child?" I asked with a raised brow.

 "Pardon?" The Count asked in confusion.

 I chuckled before opening my bag and pulling out a sword from it.

 "You have five children, but you don't want to include your niece as the sixth. That's fine in some ways but why are you making your niece work as a servant? Is she really your niece at this point?" I asked while going to closer to the now frightened man.

 "How do you know about my niece?" He asked with fear in his voice.

 "I met a girl a two days ago. I found out she worked here. I met her earlier today, I found out that she was related to you. I won't go into details. She asked me to come treat your sick child, I agreed. I heard some servants talking about a so called mutt, turned out to be her in the end" I said as they all turned pale.

 "It turns out that you guys don't care about her. Why is that?" I asked while feeling the sharpness of the sword with my fingertips.

 They instantly went to their kneels while apologising.

 "We're sorry! We didn't mean to treat her that way!" The Count said while grovelling at my feet.

 Would they have apologised if I wasn't holding a sword? It's only when they're about to die that they start seeking for forgiveness. That thought just annoyed me.

 "Do you really think that a few thoughtless apologies would make me forgive you?" I said I as I pointed the sharp end of the sword against the kneeling man with a sadistic smile.

 "We're innocent! We didn't dare do a thing to her. She's literally my niece. I wouldn't hurt anyone in my family" said the now crying man. His wife, son and daughter kneeling behind him and nodding their heads to his claims.

 "Innocent in what way?" I asked with a hard look as I pushed the sharp end towards his neck. Not enough to slice through it, but enough to make him throw up in fear, causing his family to shout in worry.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 10, 2021 ⏰

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