Chapter 8

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Lucas's pov

"You can use magic too???" She asked in shock.

"Yeah.... I'm not really a human" I shrugged while kissing her now healed finger.

"And what do u mean by too?" I asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Well I can use magic. Both only on things like nature" she grinned while looking at me. She looked so happy and cute. My heart.

"I can also heal but only a little bit, it's not like yours" she pouted. My heart times two.

"Wait" she said. "You could heal my sick young master!" she exclaimed with happiness.

"What young master?" I asked with slight disgust at the thought of her calling anyone 'master'.

"My master's third son, the third young master, is really sick and everyone's attending to him. It's because of him that I was forced to use a knife" she huffed and crossed her tiny arms. My heart times three.

"But you can use healing magic, maybe you could help me and heal him so everyone can stop being meaner than usual to me" she looked at me with pleading eyes. My heart just exploded.

She's shown me many emotions in just the two days we've met and all are extremely cute, except when she's crying.

That one I hate and I'd love to rip out anyone's organs if they ever tried to make her cry. Which they have and successfully done and now I'm raged with internal anger. It's time I did something about it.

"Alright princess" I smiled.

"Really??" She grinned.

"Yeah, why not? I'm your friend and friends help each other out" I shrugged.

I'm sure she wasn't expecting me to say that I was her friend cause of the tiny blush that appeared on her cheeks.

If only she knew that I wanted her to be much more than that to her, but I wouldn't want to cross her boundaries with my selfishness, or get thrown in prison.

I was 14, well in my original world I would be 14, but in this world, I'm almost 500 years old. Anyways, I'm 14 and I'm going through some serious puberty.

My original world is called Drushan, my country was called Drakhan, the largest country and population in Drushan. I'll tell you about it later.

Anyways, 14 year old boys in Drushan go through some serious puberty. You look younger before you reach the age of ten, and when you do reach ten, you look older than ur actual age.

But it all stops when you turn 18 and depending on how well you took care of your body while growing up, you can either turn out to look great, or look terrible, but you age slowly again from the age of 18 till your body decides it's time for it's soul to leave it.

My body's just being a hormonal 14 year old but believe me, I'm actually trying my best to not get thrown into prison or make her hate me for life.

"But I don't know anything about you..." she said while looking confused.

Hearing her voice, I snapped my head out of my thoughts to look at her.

"Neither do I about you" I chuckled. "So how about we get to know each other now?" I asked.

She happily nodded before grubbing my hand and sitting down, dragging me down with her.

"So what do you want to know about me?" I asked.

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