Chapter 5

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Alicia's pov

 I sniffled and ignored him. I didn't know him so it was natural of me to ignore him. I thought he'd eventually go away since I was ignoring him so I wasn't expecting him to join me in my sitting position. Even more so expecting him to pull me into his lap. I tensed from the unexpected position and struggled to get out of his hold. 

 That just made him to tighten his hold on me and press me down on him further. He then grasped my chin with his finger and make look at him once again. He still kept the same stone face look from before but this time his eyes held a foreign emotion that I hadn't received from anyone. Dare I say concern?.

 "Why are you crying?" He asked. 

 I just realised that this was the first time that he had actually spoken to me. I just never realised it cause I wasn't used to speaking to people and the previous silence wasn't that of tension. Awkward, yes, but not tense. His voice was a deep baritone and sounded like a person who was always in authority. It kind of sent weird tingles to my tummy when he spoke. I realised that I was taking too long to reply him after he raised an expectant eyebrow.

 I shook my head "I wasn't crying" but from my puffy eyes and flushed face, it was quite obvious that I was lying. 

 "I'm sick, soo...." I trailed off while avoiding eye contact with him. 

 "Stop lying" he spoke in a hard tone but his eyes softened a bit once he noticed that I flinched at his tone.

 I didn't know if I was in trouble or not, I barely knew him and we hadn't met before today, I clearly remember not doing anything to offend him except pushing him away but he was clearly being a bit too personal, like he was being now. Only now, I couldn't escape.

 "I'm going to ask you again" he said while giving me a pointed look. "Why were you crying?". 

 "Um..... I got spanked" I paused before averting my eyes from his once again "...for being naughty" I added while blushing embarrassingly. 

 Could this situation get any worse? He then started laughing. His laugh was soothing to listen to, it made me forget that I was even crying even the first place. My tears were long gone.

 "What's so funny?" I asked feeling offended that he was laughing at my pain.

 "I wonder how naughty u were for being spanked" he chuckled. 

 "I wasn't that bad. I was doing the laundry so after I had finished, I went to play for a bit but then, I met a guy who made me feel weird and uncomfortable, so I ran away and forgot the washing at the stream" I said before crossing my arms and huffing. 

 He still didn't seem to take me seriously cause he laughed even more. I tried my best to glare at him and he just kept on laughing. He finally stopped but was laughter was still evident in his eyes. 

 "So I made you feel weird? Mind explaining to me on how exactly I made you feel weird?" He smiled softly while playing with a strand my hair. I blushed again. 

 "I don't know how to explain it" I pouted while looking down. 

 "You're so cute" he said while chuckling. I blushed red this time. No one had ever called me cute before, only Mary ever did once in a while when she played with me.

 I shuffled awkwardly in his lap at the unexpected compliment before wincing in pain. My butt had still hurt from the earlier spanking. Miss Dean's hands were really painful. He seemed to notice my wincing before asking what was wrong. "My butt still hurts from the spanking" I said while trying to soothe it by rubbing it softly.

 "May I see?" He asked clearly not feeling ashamed. I widened my eyes at him and shook my head. 

 "No, that'll be weird" I looked at him weirdly before trying to get off his lap that I was still sitting in, he didn't budge and instead held me tighter. I didn't notice he had loosened his hold before. 

 "Asking to see a girl's butt is just being plain rude" I pouted. He just smiled in return.

 "I have to go now" I said noticing that I've been here for quite a while. 

 He nodded before finally putting down and getting up on his feet and dusting himself off.

 "I'll escort you back" he said. 

 I thought about it and decided that there was no harm in him escorting me. The servants usually used the back back gate to enter the mansion so it's not like the masters would see. I nodded after a while and he smiled.

 "I have to get the laundry first before we go" I smiled. 

 He nodded and we were off. He didn't talk much during our walk, neither did I, but the silence was comfortable between us. It hadn't been a day since we met and I had already become comfortable with him. He carried the laundry basket while I walked alongst side of him. At times, I told him random things that I knew and he just kept on humming in reply. 

 We finally reached the gate where he turned to me before gently handing over the basket to me. I felt a bit sad that we were already parting but I quickly tried to hide it with a smile. It didn't work cause he noticed it. 

 "I'll see you again?" He raised his eyebrow at me. 

 "I- I'm not sure..." I trailed off. I really wasn't sure cause he showed up out of nowhere and could leave easily anytime soon. 

 "Well I'm sure that I will see you again" he said with another yet gentle smile. I blushed before realising something important. I didn't know his name.

 "What's your name?" I asked. 

 He looked shocked before chuckling at my childishness. "It's Lucas" he said. 

 "Lucas" I said, testing the name on my tongue. 

 "Yeah..." he trailed off. "And what's your name?" He asked. 

 "Alicia. I don't have a last name. So it's just Alicia" I replied. 

 "What's your last name?" I asked in curiosity. 

 "I'll tell you when next we meet" he replied.

 I was still confused on our meeting place but he somehow knew what I was thinking because he said next "How about the same place tomorrow? In a certain flower field where we met earlier" he said. I happily nodded and gave him a smile in which he returned as usual. He then turned around and started walking towards the forest not before giving me a wave. I waved back before going back into the mansion and my happy mood instantly went the opposite.

 After giving the clean laundry, that I had forgot to re-do, to Miss Dean, I had to sweep the hallways as extra punishment before being free for the rest of the day. I went into my personal space and laid on my bed, thinking about what happened today. Today had started okay, then went bad, then became good once I met with Lucas. 

I've never had friends before, so I don't know how it feels like to have one. I hope Lucas becomes my first ever friend, even if he behaved a little strangely. I giggled a bit, thinking about my encounter with Lucas once again, before falling asleep. For the first time, I felt happy before going to bed.

   I might probably edit this chapter later in the future but how was it? Please comment and don't forget to vote 

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