Chapter 6

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Lucas's pov

 As I walked back to my dog, after dropping her home safely, I smiled to myself thinking about what happened today.

 I definitely made the right choice by waiting a bit for something of mine to calm down. If I hadn't and just went straight to the cart, I wouldn't have met my angel again. Speaking of which, I wonder what son of a bastard made her cry. I tried to not show my anger when I saw her puffy red eyes and wet nose.

 According to Noble, I tend to get extremely destructive when angry, and I know it's true, but I wouldn't want my destructive anger to scare her off.

 I found a way to turn my anger into laughter, to be honest, it happened by a slight chance, if she hadn't looked so cute and embarrassed while explaining herself, and hadn't gotten cutely offended, I would have probably gone on an unexpected rampage.

 Luckily, I didn't and somehow, we started talking. I could tell she was starting to get comfortable around me, despite this being our second meeting. Maybe it's just a natural thing for soulmates. Yeah, I said soulmates. I'll explain later.

 Noble definitely deserves a reward for not checking the cart wheels before moving. Cause if he had checked the wheels at our last stop, we wouldn't have had a broken wheel and had to stop, I wouldn't have had to take a walk to stop my self from beating up Noble, and I definitely wouldn't have found my angel whose name I now knew.

 Alicia, a name almost as beautiful as her. I know she's younger than me by far, but in where I'm from, age doesn't matter.

 I found my way back to the cart and was about to bestow Noble a once in a lifetime reward he'll never receive again after today, full respect from me. That was until he said something that annoyed me, "Master, I've fixed the broken wheel, so we should be on our way to our next destination in a few minutes".

 Now I know that it wasn't Noble's fault that he didn't know I had arranged to meet with someone special tomorrow, and hopefully everyday, but the poor servant had really bad timing at times, even if fixing the broken wheel was supposed to be his job.

 As I petted an excited Connor, my happy mood instantly went south. Noble, not sensing my change of mood as usual cause that was my mood around him 24/7, was standing proudly while looking at me, hoping for a praise that I would once in a while give him if he did something good all by himself.

 I didn't say anything towards him but what I did next must have confused the hell out of him. I used a large wooden club, one of the many weapons that we have in the cart, to smash all the wheels to pieces. Now we have four broken wheels instead of one. Even Connor was shocked at my actions.

 "Why????!!!!" He screamed while checking the broken wheels. "Why was that necessary???" He screamed in confusion.

 "I've decided that we shall stay here for a while" I calmly said while throwing the club back into the cart.

 "You could have just said that instead of smashing all the wheels to pieces, which at this point seems unfixable" he sighs with annoyance.

 "Listen to me Noble, if I simply said that I wanted to stay here for a few days, you would first ask why we should stay, then you'd argue and complain on why we shouldn't stay, then you'd try to convince me on why we should move on with our travels. Isn't that right?" I said with a pointed look.

 "Well..., maybe but-"

 I raised my eyebrow at him, signalling him to stop talking, which he did. He then sighed and shook his head before going to moving on to feed Connor some food, which we we were running out and should probably go buy more. 

 Unless I force them in another month long dry fasting. Sometimes, you have to train your stomach for hard times that might come, you have to be prepared for anything in case life doesn't go as well as you'd planned.

 Not that we'll ever have a problem, they have me as a master.

 I know that some of you may be wondering why I didn't just break one wheel off instead of all, but there's something about destroying another person's hard work and adding more work to make the person frustrated that I just love. 

 In other words, I love emotionally torturing Noble, but that doesn't mean other people can hurt Noble. It's just a way that I relieve boredom, and Noble doesn't mind either. He may not like that I sometimes bully him, but he knows that it's just the kind of person I am and if I really didn't like him, I would have done much worse to him ages ago.

 "By the way Noble" I called. He looked up from feeding Connor, waiting for what I wanted to say.

 "We're running out of food, so unless u want to fast, I suggest u go get some food before nightfall.

 "No I do not want to fast!" he quickly stood up, grabbed some a bow and arrow, and ventured into the forest to do some hunting.

 We should really find some money making means tomorrow. I thought to myself while rubbing a now full Connor on his tummy.

 Connor, as you have noticed, is my dog, and was the first companion I had when I arrived into this world. I found him as a puppy under a rubble of a house in a war destroyed town, the little thing was about to die if I hadn't found him while looking for a place to stay before I figured myself out.

 I gave it my blood to drink to heal it's inner and outer injuries, not much as to my surprise. He also became enhanced dog with super strength and speed. I'm glad I didn't give any other thing my blood to drink cause I wouldn't want a superhuman running about with my blood.

      Since then, he's grown into an adult dog and has sort of become my guardian, protecting me from bad guys and all, I honestly don't need the help but it's his way of thanking me for helping and raising him. So why not?

 Noble on the other hand, I care about him but not as much as Connor.

 I wonder what Alicia would think when she sees them, what she would say, hopefully she wouldn't mind, but Noble had better keep his mouth shut when I finally introduce her to them.

 Knowing Noble, he would probably nag about why I was attracted and in love with a little girl eight years my junior. I'm 14 in my world while in this world, my age is quite a lot since I age slowly here.

 Anyways, if he wants to nag, he should nag to my dad on why he was attracted to, fell in love, married and had a family with a girl eighteen years his junior.

 I guess I should say that it runs in the family, and like my dad, I'll do the same. I smiled at the thought of eventually starting a family with her. I'd have to wait till she's older and much more grown up though.

 The thought of having kids with a grown up her sounded wonderful to me, I laid down on the ground still thinking about our earlier encounter, eventually falling into a deep slumber.


 Yeah, so Lucas is a psychopath :D. 

 I also decided to change the 500 years in this world to 400 years so that one year equals to 100 human years. So he came to this Earth when he was 10 and now he's 14 (in his world's age) but he's way more than that in Earth's age. I hope you guys don't find my explanation too confusing, if you do, pm me or write in the comments ^^ ❤. 

 P.S.- Might edit later in the future.

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