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Stacey and Dale Yorker were sat in their car outside of their kids school. The oldest Gertrude (Gert) was their only biological child. Y/n and molly's parents were close friends of the two and when they passed the two adults adopted the young kids.

Molly was sitting in between her sisters and holding her stomach Gert looked over at her "You okay?"

"No. I feel really weird." Molly replied sadly

"Oh, Molly, sweetie, we had this talk. Menstruation's a blessing, not a curse. You just do your breathing exercises and drink the chamomile tea I put in your thermos. If that doesn't work, go to the bathroom and give yourself an orgasm." Their mom stated calmly

"Mom, seriously?!" Y/n groaned grossed out and slumped into her seat

"The oxytocins are a natural pain reliever." Stacy shrugged

"It is good advice." Dale agreed smiling

"I'm putting in my earbuds now." Y/n stated handing Molly one so they could listen together

"Listen to Mom." Their dad scolded then

"Dance squad tryouts are today." Molly reminded the family smiling

"Dance squad is just cheerleading without pom-poms. You're just reinforcing hegemonic masculinity while marginalizing women's identity." Gert rolled her eyes at Molly. Y/n rolled her eyes back at gert

"Sure, but I love the outfits." Molly smiled

"Oh, and Gert, you're new meds are in your backpack. Fewer side effects than the Lexapro, and not so much with the constipation." Their mom stated without looking at then

"Oh, are you a little bit backed-up, Gert? I have some bran bars." Dale reached to grab them

Gert opens her door and gets out of the car Molly took out the earbuds and handed it back to her sister before getting out of the car "Bye, Dale. Bye, Stacey."

"-... bran bars? Goodbye, sweetie!" Their dad waved

Y/n smiled at the two before getting out of the car "bye mom, bye dad love you" She smiled at them she felt comfortable enough to call them mom and dad after it just slipped out one day and she hadn't stopped herself from saying it

"Love you! Bye!" Stacy waved

"Love you! Happy birthday" Dale smiled at her

"Thank you!" She smiled before she shut the door and walked to the school

Y/n was waiting for the bell to ring so she could go to class when all of a sudden she stated to get a headache which lead to it feeling like someone was hitting her on top the head with a hammer. She rubbed her head to try and make it go away before walking to the nurses office for her medicine. She had to take medicine whenever she got a migrane because they would just get worse and lead to her passing out if she didn't. She took the medicine as the bell rang announcing she had to go to class.


"We hear so much lip service about women's empowerment, as if women aren't already powerful, but, I mean, do you ever hear anyone ever talking about masculine authority?.....Of course not! Cause it's already baked into the concept, am I right?" No one answers "My point is that the system needs to be dismantled, which why I'm starting a new club on campus, undermining the patriarchy. We can celebrate our own self-worth while taking down the man! I only need four members for the club to be officially recognized by the school, so..."Gert spoke to the class

y/n had her head resting in her hands on the desk

"Gert has prepared some literature, so just raise your hand if you are interested, and she will sign you up." No one answers "You have until the bell for first period. Any other announcements?"

Runaway Baby// Chase Stein x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now