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My alarm starts ringing waking me up from a nightmare. I saw that when I went to the BTS house someone stabbed me with a knife.

I managed to get up from my bed and go near the window. I can see dark clouds and strong winds. I became a little happy because it's my favourite weather but thinking about going to meet the mafias scares me the most.

suddenly my phone started ringing  I see my Boss calling me


Y/N: good morning sir!

BOSS: good morning Y/n I just got a call from Mr.Jin saying that today you'll be going to their house and treating Mr.Namjoon. I want you to work hard and treat him well so that they can give us more good ratings for our center.

Y/N: yes sir I'll try my best. 

BOSS: okay, bye

with that he cuts the phone


I still can't believe that this jerk really only thinks about money and ratings. I'm sure he wouldn't even mind if I die.

Whatever I don't want anyone to ruin my day. I'm just  going to treat Mr.Namjoon and be professional. I am a strong women and I'm not scared of these mafias. My goal is to treat my clients,  get paid and live happy. That's it.

With that I took a nice warm shower to release my tension and got ready

With that I took a nice warm shower to release my tension and got ready

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I was  still nervous. I start driving to the location that Mr.Jin sent me.

After sometime I saw a big gate where it was written ''BTS village'' when the gate opened I saw seven big bunglows but it was far way from each other. I reached a bunglow which also had black gates before getting Inside a man with big muscles approached me and asked me who I was when I told him my name he immediately opened the gates. When I went through the gates I saw a lane with trees it was beautiful.

I parked my car there. The whole place was surrounded by big musceled bodyguards they even had guns with them. I decided to not show that I am scared at all. When I got out of my car the man Infront of the main door greeted me and took me inside the house.

It was so beautiful

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It was so beautiful. The house was decorated with modern materials. 

The man told me to sit down. After waiting for some time Mr.Jin came to me and sat down infront of me.

he started speaking- ''Good morning Miss.Y/n so glad that you came here. I hope you are ready to meet your client, So he is a very short tempered man he easily gets angry at little things and nowadays he even shouts at us we all are very worried about his mental health. He also has alot of  pressure of work on him. I want you to take your time but make  his anger and his behaviour stable''

I said'' yes I have come prepared and I hope I can help him but what if he is not ready for it'' Then Mr.Jin spoke'' I know it will be hard to meet him and help him but he is not that bad. He never injures an innocent. okay without wasting any time let me take you to him''

I became really nervous to meet him but this is my work I'll make sure I remove his anger forever. We reached infront of a big dark wooden door. Jin knocked inside and opened the door. Mr.Namjoon was standing looking at the window his back facing us. He turned to see us and I was amazed by his beauty. How can someone be so tall and handsome but have so much anger in him and is a mafia too. Whatever I should not be distracted I'm only here to work and not get killed.

Mr.Jin spoke '' Namjoon this is Y/n she is here to help you.'' I could see anger growing in Mr.Namjoon's eyes he then spoke '' What?! she is here to help me for what hyung? so you really think I am crazy ?is that why you bought HER!!'' Mr.Namjoon spoke '' Namjoon it's for your better, I am your hyung and so its my responsibility to make you healthier. Now I want you to co- oprerate with her and listen to what she is telling you to do'' With that Jin left the room.

I was now alone having a panic attack and nervous as hell with a man who is so angry right now I then collected some courage and started approaching towards him while he was looking at the door.

I was now alone having a panic attack and nervous as hell with a man who is so angry right now I then collected some courage and started approaching towards him while he was looking at the door

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I said '' Good morning Mr.Namjoon, my name is Min Y/n, I am a psycologist. I am really sorry that I was late yesterday but I am ready to  work hard'' 

he turned to me and said '' Sit down and continue but if I get irritated by you I'm not going  to see your face again''

with that I started asking some questions to him '' Mr.Namjoon what makes you happy the most?''

'' Releasing my anger on the things I hate the most'' he said. '' okay my second question is what makes you angriest the most?'' I asked. '' When people make me angry and when things dosen't go my way'' he said.  ''Mr.Namjoon do you think that you may hurt people you love by your angriness?'' I asked. ''........'' he stayed silent not answering my question. I decided to move to the last question that I was scared to ask.

''Mr.Namjoon I know it might be personal but I have to know about it so, d...did you have a past that made you become like this today?'' when I said that he got up from his seat death glaring at me as he balled his fists.....

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