Prologue 5- Basil's Album

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Basil sat in a chair. He is in a hospital, on a visit to his best friend. He just finished watering the white egret orchid in the pot , placed on a desk next to a comatose boy. Not just any comatose boy , his best friend , Sunny Suzuki.

 in the language of flowers, white egret orchids symbolizes the phrase, "my thoughts will follow you into your dreams." And now here sunny was, dreaming. He wish he could wake Sunny up, that he could just wake up one day and everything can go back to the way they were before. But no response for 3.5 years speaks otherwise.

He remembers the first time he was here, how heartbroken he was at seeing Sunny like this, how he had an angry outburst at Mari . He remembers how Mari ran away crying after his outburst, how Hero and her parent ran after her, how the doctor and policemen awkwardly walked away. How Kel and Aubrey told him they needed some time alone and left. And how he cried both at Sunny and out of regret at what he said to Mari.

How wish Sunny woke up now, yet that seemed unlikely , and even if he did wake up, how he wish things would magically go back to the way they were before. But so much has changed...

" Hey Sunny. How are you?" Basil asked. 

" So today was great. Charlene and Blossom came by as usually and we worked on the garden. We just finished expanding it." Basil told Sunny how his day went. 

He was Sunny best friend, so he would make sure everyday when he can to visit him, but he didn't know what to do, so he would usually have a one-sided conversation with Sunny. Talking about how his day went. 

Sunny was always quiet and Basil had conversation with Sunny like this anyways. The difference was Sunny was awake and listening, not even pretending to listen, but actually pay attention. 

Which made seeing him like this even more painful.

He remembers how he was sad when he was buying flowers for his garden that he ended up bumping into Charlene. At first, he was scared of her due to how she looked like she could break all of his bones .  Then he learned she was a "gentle giant" girl, and when they learned they both loved gardening, A friendship of flowers was sparked.

Soon, Blossom came. Basil and Charlene found her on the streets crying and went over to comfort her.  They tried to bring her back home and to comfort her. but then, they learned that she had amnesia and couldn't remember who her parents were. The police couldn't help so now Blossom lives with Charlene until they can find her parents again.

All 3 of them have been working on a new garden for faraway . And now they have finished expanding for room for the moonflowers. They have been like a family of flower crown wearing gardeners. 

Basil is happy for his new friends, but also wishes that his old friends can be together again.


Aubrey lay on the couch in her new home. She moved away from her abusive mother home and moved into Her best friend Kim's house.

Ever since SUNNY became comatose, nothing had been the same.

Mari was not only disowned by her family for what she done, she also ran away from Faraway after the investigation into Sunny's Suicide, which revealed to all via newspaper what she done, including basil's testimony and Sunny's Diary showing what she done to him over the smallest mistakes and the suicidal thoughts he had. She was outcased.

At first, When they still had hope that SUNNY would wake up sometime soon, her old friend group was still closely knit together. She made the effort to hang out with BASIL and KEL at school. She did her best to wait patiently for HERO to make time for her.

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