Forest-1: ????'s Nebula

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Omori-the crystal protector. The story you are now reading. There will be 4 part to this book. Part one only has 1 story arc. The prologue arc. We are now in part 2, with 4 story arcs. Caves, Forest, Mountain and Dream.

We start the forest arc with a young girl being blasted by a magic beam before the ground under her collapsed and she lands in a pool of water. 

She swims out , unsure of where she is , before she sees forest monsters behind her and runs for her life. Running out the door until she ends up in an opening in a forest.

Ya, I know it's weird to just start the arc by laying that on you, but trust me, just go with it.


First Person POV

I spun in place quickly, trying to figure out what had just happened. I felt a burning sensation from my head, and rubbed at it with my hands.

Something about the fact that I was in a forest bothered me, like it was unfamiliar, but I couldn't quite put a hand on it. Besides, everything was at least a little unfamiliar right now, so it didn't seem that important.

What did seem important was that some monsters tried to kill me, and I was now in spooky woods.

What were those things , and why were they trying to hurt me? How did I get into that mess? Wait...

It started to dawn on me that I couldn't remember anything about that.

Or about where I was. Or who I was. I keeled back onto myself and began to hyperventilate and tug at my hair.

Oh no... oh no... I can't even remember my name! Why can't I remember my name?!

Parents? Friends?! I can't even remember where I live!

I started to have a real freak-out then, until I felt a reflexive kick of self-reproach and clamped down on those emotions with determination and resentment.

Get it together... me! Don't be a weak little girl! Concentrate! There has to be a reason why there were monsters trying to kill you!

I started to get my heart-rate under control and I tried to quickly turn that idea over in my mind.

What reason could they have to kill me though. Whatever, I need to CALM DOWN and FOCUS. Focus on the important things first.

Ok, so I'm in the middle of a spooky forest. First, gather the basic things needed to survive. Food, Shelter and water.

I was hungry so I decided to look for food first. I spot some trees there and decided to give it a look. I found some apples hanging on a tree above me and ...


Hey Apple!

Oh ! Howdy there ???? What can I do for ya? Need help with that Homework.

Well, No.  I already finished my homework. I wanna play with someone but everyone is busy. My Sister is busy with her own things, and so is the rest of our friends!

Even Falcon and Cyber. 

Yes! So I was wondering if I could hang out with you for the day.

Ah Sorry, but I got some chores to do so ah busy for the day.

Aw come on! You can't spare some time ?

Omori-The Crystal Protectors [Cancelled with an upcoming reboot)Where stories live. Discover now