Caves-1: Starduster Kim

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"Ugh... My head" 

"Where am I?"

The pain and headache in my head was hurting, all I saw was darkness. Confused, I began to try and calm down and remember.

"Let's see here. I'm Kimberly Fexil, Though even my brother Vance calls me Kim. I remember hanging out with my friends Aubrey and Jacob. I remember it's Summer and we were hanging out together . We hangout at the secret place behind the park when ...

... That Nerd Kel and his Loser group came and we had a fight. We won, mostly because it was a    4v3 and then we were recovering from the fight, When I notice something in the woods and decided to ignore it ...

...and stole some candy with Vance and went back home. But then I had a feeling to check what I saw and couldn't sleep. So I snuck out from the house by myself and brought some candy with me and , I found the thing I saw to be a cave and....

Oh yeah... A bat came and stole some taffy and I chased it and... I guess there was a cave in or something... "

Now the feeling when to a splitting headache to shame at how stupid I was . Deciding to check a cave by myself in the middle of the night . I remember I brought a flash light with me so I took it out of my pocket, realizing how soaked I was, and saw...


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Yup. In a dark cave...

Cursing myself for ending up here one final time I check to see if my other stuff was there. taking off my blue jacket because it was soaking wet.

I only brought some candy , which was stolen by the bat, my flashlight and myself defense weapon... a bb revolver. All of those Items except for the candy are , Surprisingly, still in my pocket.

Now that I calm down , I check to see if I was hurt and is surprised to see that there was no bleeding.  I then looked at the ground to find that It was wet. 

I look behind me to see a body of water in a cave. I then remember that I landed into the water and swam to the rocks before passing out. I then got up and started walking. Waiting around wasn't going to get me out of this cave . That was for NERDS. I then saw...

 I then saw

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