CM Punk (Phil)

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No longer in WWE but forever in our hearts.

Punk: Gah, it feels great to be married

You: Phillip.

P: Oh right, the lil' miss hasn't found Mr. Right yet

Y: dude. why are you talking like that?

P: I.. don't know. Anyways, how's life?

Y: It's......lifey

P: Lifey?

Y: yeah, it's life. Nothing too exciting happens when you're a high school student.

P: eh, well, didn't you just get your license?

Y: yeah

P: So come visit me and April. She misses you

Y: HA.

P: What's so funny?

Y: I'm not driving over 10 hours just to see you guys

P: Aw, c'mon.

Y: Phil.

P: hm?

Y: no. I'm not driving that far for you.

P: Not even for Ape?

Y: Not even for her. It's too far and too long. Plus, I don't have the money

P: I could send you the money

Y: right.

P: Dude, I told you that if you ever needed it, I could give it to you

Y: I know, but I'd feel bad for not being about to pay it back

P: You always say that. It's not a big deal. Money's not an issue.

Y: not for you

P: C'mon. I'll send you the money. You can even bring your weird family.

Y: My family isn't..... Heh, they're very weird.

P: Seee? Wouldn't they love you if you drove them here to meet us?

Y: My dad's already met you, bruh.

P: ...I knew that. I mean the rest of your so called 'weird' family.

Y: They're not 'so called'. They are weird.

P: Gosh, I'll get you the money in a few hours.

Y: But Phil...

P: AH! No buts. Now, get packing. See ya!

Y: ....fine.

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