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You: how are you still champ?

Sheamus: what are you talking about?

Y: how are youstill US champ?

S: I just am

Y: so i get no real reason?

S: well I work hard..

Y: mhmm

S: I can wrestle good

Y: kay and?

S: WWE cant find anyone better to hold it..

Y: i'm pretty sure that's a lie

S: how is that a lie?

Y: there are so  many people worthy of a title

S: the US title is nothing

Y: it was something when Dean had it!

S: there ya go, back to Mr. Dean Ambrose

Y: is that a problem?

S: actually yeah because he's all you tlak about

S: it gets kind of annoying

Y: and hearing you talk about drinking all the time isnt?!

S: that's different

Y: how is that different, huh? I can talk about Dean all I want and none of my brain cells will be damaged!

S: That's because they're probably already damaged

Y: from what?

S: Dean

Y: I have more brain cells than you

S; no you don't

Y: fuck yeah I do!

S: whatever

Y: well you're a WWE superstar for christ's sake!

S: what does that have to do with anything?

Y: people like you shouldn't be going out and drinking almost every night

S:Oh wow.. well you're little deany boy isn't that smart either

Y: i know he goes out to drink,. but that's not the problem

S: you know what's the problem?

Y: what?

S: you are.

Y: me?!

S: yup

Y: OH fuck you. Whatever pastey

S: you piss me off


S: bye bitch

Y: whatever.

WWE Texts [Part 4]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora