Shawn Micheals

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Shawn: I want CM Punk back

You: I think almost everyone wants him back

S: these guys now at good but come on

Y: I feel ya

S: his promos were amazing

Y: *pipebombs

S: alright I'm sorry,.. His PIPEBOMBS were amazing

Y: they still are amazing

S: do you miss him?

Y: DUHHH! But ---- most people have given up on him coming back.....

S: not mick

Y; yeah, I read an article about what he said

S: I wonder if punk will ever come back

Y: well he said he's never, ever going back

S: You never knooowww

Y: i wish we did know...

S: same here little one

Y: i'm not that little!

S: yes you are sweetheart

Y: well... you're old

S: I am, aren't i

Y: XD omg shawn

S: I gotta go.. Gonna go hunting

Y: oh well.. Don't die! XD

S: i'll try not to!

WWE Texts [Part 4]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz