The Quiznak?!? (Lotor x reader)

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Requested By: RyleeStar28

Fandom: Voltron (Soulmate AU)(I also made a bit up for this AU)

Character/Ship: Lotor x female reader

Prompt: A Voltron oneshot where it's Keith's older sister and falls in love with Lotor? 

Warning(s): Cussing, I think that's it.

A/N: You have the tattoo on the right whereas Lotor has the one on the left. Hope it's to your liking RyleeStar28. Also, I'm back! I really needed to have a break from writing and stress. I have been doing a lot better. If you didn't look at my convo board, you may be really confused, but basically, I wasn't doing very well, what with my mental health and all. I decided to take a break from writing because it was stressing me out so I put all of my books on hold. I am finally doing better so I have decided to update again! Enjoy the oneshot!

"Keith!" I shout at my little brother, running through the halls chasing him.

I see him poke his head around one of the castle corners cautiously. "Yeah (Y/n)?"

"Get your ass back over here!" I yell furiously.

"Gotta run!" He yells back, sprinting away from me.

"Curse you and your long legs!" I hate how he got the tall genes (I think) in our family.

"Hey (Y/n)!" I hear from the bicolored hair male behind me.

I skid to a stop and whip around to face the guy. "Oh hey Shiro. I would love to talk, but I have to go kill my little brother. See you later?" I ask, already running away.

"Oh! Sure!" He calls after me as I turn the corner to the hallway the Keith went down. 

I'm deep in thought as I try to find Keith. I'm jealous of all of the people on this ship. They already found their soulmates. Shiro has Allura (screw Allura x Lance, by the way, I'm the author of this oneshot), Keith has Lance, Hunk has Shay back on the Balmera, Coran has a nice lady alien back on Olkarion, and Pidge hasn't found hers yet, but she has her robots and gadgets, so I would say that counts. 

I'm the only one who hasn't found their soulmate yet.

Some days, I feel dull. A side effect of not having found your partner. While fighting the Galra sometimes, though, my tattoo, which is the side of my stomach, tingles, meaning that my soulmate is near. 

Finding my soulmate isn't a priority though, since females are much more sensitive to the bond than males. I've always been so afraid to find them. Allura told me that when she met Shiro, she was in a bit of pain.

I see a flash of a black mullet and speed up. "Keith!" I yell furiously, turning yet another corner that he just went down. I'm seething with anger. I enter the kitchen when I see a tall, purple-skinned male alien with snow-white hair. Slowing down to a stop, I'm noticed by the others in the kitchen.  The others being Allura, Keith, Lance, Coran, Hunk, and the purple-skinned man. 

"Oh, this is (Y/n)! She is Keith's older sister! (Y/n), this Lotor. He's going to be helping us in our fight!" Allura exclaims cheerfully. The side of my stomach starts to tingle as it does in battle at times. I ignore it, just thinking that it is a stitch in my side from running for so long.

Lotor walks over to me, his long legs making quick work of the space between us. "Pleasure to meet you." He says, grabbing my hand and kissing the top.

I feel a much larger tingling sensation on the side of my stomach now that he's touched me. "Ah!" I cry out in discomfort, pulling away as fast as I possibly can.

"(Y/n), are you ok?" Lotor asks, reaching for my hand again, my friend's shouts of objection going ignored by him.

Jumping back, I shout, "Don't touch me!" I run behind my brother and friends, hiding behind the group of people that's taller than me (besides Pidge of course).

Lotor looks really confused standing by the entrance to the kitchen. "Why?"

Allura is the one to answer this time. "You guys are soulmates. It's painful for females to touch their soulmate for the first time."

"Oh." Lotor looks really happy that he's finally found his soulmate. On the other hand, I'm not so excited. I mean, in the middle of a universal war? Not the best time.

For the next few days, since Lotor has been staying at the castle, I've just stayed in my room to avoid contact. Someone has brought me all of my meals, never Lotor though. He has made sure to stay very clear of this hallway. I haven't heard his footsteps once. 

One morning, a knock is heard on my door. Now, a knock isn't peculiar, it happens three times a day, every day, for the past 4 days. This knock though is much lighter than any of the other ones.

"Who is it?" I ask through the door. I should have known who it was though if the tingling in my side was any giveaway.

"(Y/n), it's me, Lotor." The male on the other side whispers.

I get out from under the covers of my bed and walk slowly to the door, the tingling getting stronger by the step. As I make my way to open the door, I hesitate.

"Please, (Y/n), open the door." Lotor chokes out.

I click the button to open the door, letting Lotor come into the room. I say nothing and neither does he. We just... stare at the other.


"Lotor-" We both start. I burst out into a fit of giggles, him following not too long after.

"You go first." I say to him.

"No, you." He replies.

"Fine. I just wanted to say sorry for being a little shit and running away as soon as you touched me and avoiding you and basically being a giant pain in the as-" I'm cut off by something that I didn't expect.

A kiss

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