The Beginning!

168 7 5

Opening Song:
Lost Memory

Nocturnal Bloodlust


Here's the first chapter!

....Twenty Two Years Ago......


I, Tasha Marshall had flowing pink hair to my neck and wore a pink sundress, and blue tights, and pink boots, and was playing with my dinosaurs outside in the woods by myself doing my own voice acting in many voices for my characters to myself, which is what I do since I have no friends, and I play with myself alot.
I sat on my knees doing so.
I had hot wheels around my dinosaurs and my favorite was a Raptor and he was the hero of the bunch and the T-Rex was the bad guy.
I was outside going on for an hour playing by myself, and as I play the wind kicked up, and I pay no mind to it until I noticed a blue glowing light around me, and I stand up holding my Raptor stuffed toy with a plastic head with teeth to my chest, and I started to get scared and I started crying, and suddenly all went black, and I then I felt I was floating like I was in the air, and I scream scared, and suddenly I was in a field of flowers in the middle of nowhere, which I couldn't understand since I'm only five years old how I got there since I was in the woods earlier back home on my Mom and Dad's property.

I began tearing up, crying tears, calling for my Mom and Dad.
I cry as I walk off looking around scared and lost, my heart pounding scared.
It was my worst nightmare I was lost, well any child's worst nightmare you would be lost and away from your parents.

I began shaking from being scared as I walk, and sobbing to where I started to get a runny nose.
I sniffle from my runny nose and wipe my nose with my hand.
My five year old mind didn't think it's gross, but an adult would.
I scream as I fall on my knees and sob more, and my shoulders quaked.

I then heard a roaring sound over my shoulder, and I look over my shoulder scared, my heart jumping to my throat in fear.
I saw a huge monster stomp up to me.
"Such a stupid human child making such a racket!
I'll devour you alive!"
The monster looked like a monster from a horror movie my big brother would watch, a eye ball thing with fangs, it was huge!

It opened it's jaws, and lunged at me, and I stumbled backward and scream in fear, and a white blur rushed forward, and I watch as blue blood gushes outward, and the eyeball monster was ripped apart to gory pieces, and I shake more in fear, my heart racing more, as a person stood in front of me wearing weird clothing I've never seen before, and had long rear length silver hair, elf-like ears, and magenta streaks on their cheeks, a blue crescent moon on their forehead, claw-like nails on their fingers, and a fur pelt over one shoulder, and golden eyes with black slits.
They looked at me over their shoulder.
They looked older than me.

The person then turned to look at me, looking me over strangely.
"You are dressed oddly."
The person's voice sounded like a boy's voice.

Blue blood was on their hand, and I knew they killed the monster.
I was now scared.
I scoot away from this boy.

"I will not hurt you."
He tells me, more like scoffing at me.

I stop scooting away realizing he's right.
If he wanted to hurt me then he wouldn't of saved me like a super hero would.
I hug my Raptor to my chest more, and sit on my knees more.
"Um....can you take me home?
To Mommy and Daddy's house?"
I ask him.
"It's at Rain Rivers Drive?"

"Never heard of such a place."
This boy says to me.

You never heard of my address?"
I ask him confused.

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