Attack Of The Snake Demon! You're Mine!

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Here's the next chapter!


Sesshomaru guides me forward, keeping me by his side as we walk a long ways away then let's me go, and I kept my pace with his.
"Stay by me."
He murmured.

I merely nod.
I wanted to say something to him, but I kept to myself.
I walk with him, and we came to a village, and some people whispered to each other about my appearance, mainly my clothes and haircut.
Sesshomaru I noticed ignored them, so did Jaken and the dragon creature.

Sesshomaru kept walking further and I kept up with him, and soon enough we were approached by some men in armor.
"You there!"
The leader points to me.

I point to myself.

"What matter of beast are you?"
He asked me.

"I'm human!
I just have a weird haircut to you people."
I tell him.

He boldly laughed at me, and Sesshomaru glared at this man.
"She tells no lie."
Sesshomaru buts in.

"Was I talking to you, you wretch?!"
I go wide eyed at this man talking to Sesshomaru like that.

"You pathetic moron!
Do you know who you are talking to?!"
Jaken scoffed.

The man laughed.
"Do I even care?!
This man is no match for me!"
This man pulled out his katana.

Sesshomaru puts me behind him, looking me over his shoulder, putting his hand out in a claw formation in front of his face and he cracked his fingers.
He rushed forward, grabbing the man, holding him high in the air by his throat, and I heard a snap, meaning Sesshomaru broke his neck, and the man lay limp, meaning he was dead!
My heart lurched in my throat that Sesshomaru killed that man!
Sesshomaru threw his body into the other men and it knocked them off their feet.

"Any of you dare to try to challenge me?"
Sesshomaru asked the other men who gulp.

The men then pick up their dead leader and ran off.

The crowd of villagers who were watching us say with much hate and fathom.
"That man is a beast!
A demon!
Killed that ronin with his bare hands!"

Sesshomaru turned to me, and says.
"Let us leave here."
And I nod, understanding now he wanted to leave, and understanding that humans hate demons now, and that it is cruel, because Sesshomaru to me isn't a bad demon, he's good and kind and true to me.

I follow Sesshomaru out of this village and into the forest, in which was dark and gloomy.
"Sesshomaru are all humans full of hate towards your kind?"
I ask him.

"Indeed they are."
Sesshomaru tells me.

"Why when you are kind and generous towards me?"
I ask him.

"I only show myself that way towards you and no other remember that."
Sesshomaru says side-glancing at me.

"Only me?"
I ask confused.

So I'm special?
I thought to myself, even more confused.

I heard a boom nearby, making me jump a little, and Sesshomaru pulls out his sword that don't have a sheath, and he sniffed the air, getting in front of me.
"I smell something amiss."
Sesshomaru comments.

More like Inuyasha and his friends struggling to fend off something and it is heading this way.
Sesshomaru thought to himself.

"Get it!
Kill it!"
Sesshomaru heard Kagome shout, and saw something dart this way and swung his sword as a creature slithered towards Tasha and wrapped around her waist, and bit into her throat.

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