Down Boy!

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Slight mature content ahead!!
Here's the next chapter!

I stand up, and follow him and wave to the woman, then look to Sesshomaru grabbing his sleeve that was empty of his severed arm.
"Um....let me hang onto you this path is kinda uneven.
I'm afraid I'll twist my ankle."
I tell him nervously, looking at my feet as I walk making sure I don't trip over roots as I walk, watching my footing.

I trip over a root accidentally dragging my foot, and Sesshomaru grabbed my arm so I don't fall.
"Careful now."
Sesshomaru warns me.

I tell him, looking up at him, steadying my feet in order.

Sesshomaru nods, his cheeks tinging red a little as he looked down at me.
Are we still on the hunt for Naraku?"
The green little guy asked Sesshomaru.

Sesshomaru looked to the green little guy.
"Indeed we are."

Who's that?"
I ask Sesshomaru.

"You wouldn't know, but he is a wretched half demon who Lord Sesshomaru must destroy for making a fool of Lord Sesshomaru!"
The green little guy says to me.
"And nobody does that to Lord Sesshomaru not even a lowly half demon!"

Sesshomaru glared at the little green guy.

The little green guy Sesshomaru called Jaken gulps.
"Yes Milord?"

"Silence your mouth."
Sesshomaru growled.

"Forgive me!"
Jaken yelped.

Sesshomaru looked to me.
"Naraku, is he really powerful and can hurt others even you?"
I ask Sesshomaru.

"Right now with the Sacred Jewel Shards he can harm people, even you Tasha."
Sesshomaru tells me as we walk, then looked away.

"That powerful?"
I ask confused.

"Most halfdemons are not that powerful, but Naraku is a manmade one from demons devouring a human's body, so he must make a new body every now and then.
Like any halfdemon, has a day or night they lose their powers and he wishes to become full demon is my guess.
He is gathering the Jewel Shards to complete it."
Sesshomaru tells me.

"I see.
He wants to be like you a full demon, he envies that."
I say sadly.

"Do not sympathize with him."
Sesshomaru growled at me.

"I'm not!
I just think it's sad really, that if there's other halfdemons born this way they feel the same way."
I admit to Sesshomaru, and he blinked at me.

"I mean if I was born like that I'd feel that way, and if I was bullied for being different then I would want to get stronger and show those who bullied me how much stronger and better I've become, to prove I'm a better person than them by far."
I tell Sesshomaru with a sad look to my face.
"I know from experience since I have been bullied most my life for being different."

"Those who shall bully you shall meet their end."
Sesshomaru looked to me with a serious gaze, as we stopped in a field, and he puts a hand on my cheek caressing it.

His hand was warm, very warm and felt familiar, and I blink, feeling I know this warm gentle hand from somewhere.
He leans down his lips a mere inch from my own.
He murmured, his breath smelled good, like sweet mint and some other scent I couldn't figure out.
His golden eyes narrowed, and my pulse skyrocketed, and his lips soon pecked my lips, then pulled away, but then returned on my lips crashing on my lips aggressively and he deepened the kiss, slipping his tongue in my mouth, and soon I felt my back pushed gently against a tree.
My mouth trembled as he licked and teased my whole cavern of my hot wet mouth, and he sucked my tongue.
He groaned in my mouth and I moaned in his throat.
He pulls away, breathing hard, his fangs showing as he breathes hard.
"I apologize for doing that.
I could not hold back.
It has been over three hundred years since I last saw you, and I missed you.
You have grown into a fine woman."
Sesshomaru caressed my cheek lovingly, confusing me.

"W....what do you mean?"
I ask him.

"I met you when you were a child three hundred years ago in this era.
You were five years old.
You were lost like now, and for two days I took care of you, but then you were sucked through a portal before me, and I was devastated.
I thought you were gone.
I grieved as though you were dead, until now.
I felt it back then you were my mate in life."
Sesshomaru tells me.

I ask him in shock.

Sesshomaru nods.
You are my woman even then."

"Whoa this is a bit much Sesshomaru."
I tell him.
"I mean I'm overwhelmed that you're telling me this that I'm your mate!"

"I know this can be overwhelming, but know this I can protect you from Naraku.
Feed you.
Clothe you.
Cherish you.
Please you well."
Sesshomaru says pecking my lips again, then pulls away.
"Tasha remain by my side always."
Sesshomaru puts his forehead to mine, looking his golden eyes into my pink ones.

I look into his eyes and saw how much he cared, and was breathless by it, and never was I looked at that way before.
I avoid his gaze instantly with my pink eyes, swallowing hard, but he kissed me again slipping his tongue in my mouth again to distract me yet again, making me squeak.
His mouth moved along with mine and I couldn't help but let him devour my mouth, it felt so good his kiss devouring my mouth.

Sesshomaru pulls away from the kiss, and I breathe hard.
"Still thinking about rejecting me when you are melting?"
Sesshomaru nips my neck next and I shiver.

I squeak out.

"What is it you desire Tasha?"
Sesshomaru then sucked my neck next, and I tremble at that, closing my thighs together, my thighs trembling, since my core throbbed harshly from him doing that, and I could feel my core getting slick in my underwear.

"Stop please!
I get it!
I accept you!
So please!
I can't handle this!"
I say breathlessly.

Sesshomaru trailed his hand up my hoodie but he pulled away from my neck confused.
"How do you undo your clothes?"
Sesshomaru looked into my eyes.

"I won't tell you yet."
I say breathing hard.
"I'm not ready to do that just yet."

"I want to touch your flesh."
Sesshomaru growled.

"Well I'm not ready yet!"
I retort back, and he snarled at me in his annoyance, and pulled away from me, and turns away from me.

"As you wish."
Sesshomaru looked at me over his shoulder.

My heart pounds as I was trying to get myself together, and calm down though I'm very aroused right now, and I'm very slick in my underwear in my pants.
I needed to calm myself down, and usually a cold shower helps, but they don't have showers in this era.

Sesshomaru turns to me.
"We should continue our journey, so let us go."
Sesshomaru grabbed my upper arm, and tugs me along.

I say as I go along with him.


To be continued.......

Nepenthes {SesshomaruXOcXBankotsu Mature Romance {18+}Where stories live. Discover now