Into The Past Yet Again!!

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Here's the next chapter!

       ......Twenty Two Years Later.......


I'm Tasha Marshall.....
Age 27....
And am a big tomboy.....
Who dresses as a man and has an emo male hair buzzed haircut on one side on of hair with a skull design in the buzzed cut in the hair side of it, and it's black, the other part of my hair is naturally pink, and long with an emo fringe going over my face. The black buzzed cut with the skull design in it well deep in my hair it's black when you cut it that far, weird I know, I got weird genes.
I have a flat chest too go figure.
Hardly any boobs.
I dress as a guy, but when I was little I dressed as a pretty girl, well my Mom dressed me that way which I hated it.
So hated it.
I have piercings too.

It's my 27th birthday today, which I'm celebrating it alone, since I have no friends, and my parents are overseas working, and couldn't give a damn about my birthday.
Since the incident when I was five they hardly care about me now, thinking I'm crazy, so I just became this way dressing how I liked, and well do as I please, and they don't care.
I live by myself, and get by doing a job at a cafe, which pays well at least.

I got me a little cake for myself, and a candle, and sat at an empty park, and lit the candle, and blew out the candle, then I took a spoon, and bit into the little cake, enjoying the chocolatey cake.
It wasn't as good as that one sweet I had as a kid.
It couldn't compare.

I ate the whole cake up, and then as I did wind began swirling around me, and I shivered since it was a chilly wind, but it gushed faster, and I look around confused getting a deja vu feeling.
And it swirled around me in a twister-like way, and I look around, my heart pounding in anxiety, and up seeing a blue and gold opening round swirling portal open up, and I began floating in midair, and I scream as I was sucked through the portal, and it closed itself behind me, and my mind went black as I was sucked through it.

I groan as I lay on my back, the sun meeting my eyelids as I open my eyes, and I sit up rubbing my neck, and I stand up, confused.
"Where am I?"
I look around noticing I'm in a field full of flowers, which was giving me a feeling of deja vu.
I walk forward and out of the field of flowers, and then shout.
"Excuse me?!
Is there anyone that can hear me?!
I need assistance!"

But I got no answer.

I then pull my phone from my hoodie pocket, seeing I have no cellular service here.
"No service?!
Am I in the boonies?"
I made a weird face.
I then put my phone in my hoodie pocket again.
I then shout again.
Can someone contact police?!
I'm lost!"

I got no answer as I walk and I sigh in defeat.
I don't know where I'm at, and in the middle of nowhere, and I don't know what could happen either!"
I fold my arms to my chest as I walk, my black boots crunching the grass and sticks as I go.

I look around nervously as I walk, unnerved, swallowing hard off and on.
"I wish I knew where I was."
I say nervously, my heart thudding a mile a minute.

I then bump into something, and fall on my rump, and flinch from the impact on my rear.
I blink and look up, seeing a big ox thing glaring down at me, and it roared at me, and I scramble on my feet and book it, running off, breathing hard, and it ran after me.

"You little human bumping into me!
I'll eat you alive for that!"
He roared.

That terrified me as I kept running as he stomped after me, and I didn't want to stop no matter how my lungs burned, no matter how my legs hurt to stop, I just kept going.
I finally slipped through thick trees that he couldn't fit through, and he stopped and roared out.
"Damn you human!"
And I run off down a path, breathing hard, and kept going, until I stopped at a dirt road, bent over, shaking, breathing in deep breaths, and let them out.

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