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I woke up to the sound of screams coming from outside. When I opened my eyes the room was lit up by the sunlight coming through the window and dust trickled within the beam of the light like snow. Andrew wasn't here so I'm guessing that everyone must have already been awake. Suddenly there was knock on the door and Jeremy's voice telling me to wake up. I hurriedly put on some clothes and walked out of the room. 

"You must have slept nicely." Jeremy laughed. I just stared at him not knowing what he meant. "Your hair, it's a mess. Go to the bathroom and freshen up. I'll wait for you." I sped to the bathroom down the hall and looked in the mirror. He is right my hair is an absolute mess. Our long drive yesterday really did tired me out. I wet my face and a bit of my hair to try keeping it down. When I exited I saw Jeremy smiling at me. "Now you look like a living person!" he exclaimed and I just responded with a smile. Our footsteps echoed through the hallway as the playful screams outside continued. "So how was your day yesterday? I came back to your room but you weren't there. I assumed you met Andrew?" 

"Yeah, I did and his sister too." 

"What did you think of them?"

"They're cool. Fey talks a lot which help keep a conversation going."

"What about Andrew?" 

"I know he likes sports but I'm not really into them."

"Your into books right? I'm certain you'll enjoy our library. We have all sort of genres of books." After a few more steps we finally arrived to the library. It was located outside at the front yard near the broken fountain. As Jeremy opened the doors the cold air blew right onto my face, giving me slight chills across my spine. The tiny droplets of forming sweat swiftly disappeared off my neck by the chilling transition in temperature. "You're enjoying the AC?" Jeremy commented when he saw me grinning and I simply nodded in response. The library was decently big though I'm sure the big budgets had went towards the main building. A lady was approaching us, her dark skin glistening under the artificial lights and her mop like hair bouncing around with each step.  

"Hello, Jeremy." She greeted with her mixed British and African accent. "Who is the lost soul you've brought in?" Her attention moving to me.

"This is Elliot. Elliot this is Adamma, our librarian." 

"You have a nice library." I complimented

"I've tried to keep it as tidy and in order as possible. It's basically my second home. Glad to see someone notice."

"I guess I'll leave you two to your fun. If you need me I'll be at the music room." Jeremy informed. 

"You're a music teacher? Wow, I can see it now."

"Oh, you'll be able to hear it too! He likes to sing." Adamma exposed. 

"You sing?!" I accidentally exclaim too loudly. 

"No, no, no. I don't sing..." Jeremy paused for a bit. "Anyway I need to go. You two have fun!" He forced a smile through a face full of pain as he exited the library. 

"Is he okay?" I asked.

"He...had gone through a lot. But enough about that! We are here to have fun so tell me, what's your favourite book!"

Me and Adamma spent hours chatting about a plethora of books. We had some same interests but different ways of interpreting the writings which was interesting. I never had anyone to talk to about books other than my mum so this was nice. After a while she had to do some work so I went and found Manuel sitting next to a round table. 

"Hey." I greeted him as he looked up from his book to meet my eyes. 

"Oh...hi." He responded without much effort only to to return back to his book. 

"Good book?" I asked whilst taking a sit adjacent to him. 

"So far." 

"So how long have you been here?"

"Long enough." He answered instantly. Why was he acting like this? Did I do something to him?

"Uh...I can leave you alone if you'd like?" I was already on my feet, ready to leave.

"No! I'm...I'm sorry. I didn't mean to be rude." He apologized quickly. I sat back down and waited for him to say something. "It-It's just...my brother. He shared the same room as Andrew and..."

"And now I'm there." I cut him off. "I'm sorry, no-one told me. I can ask Jeremy to switch rooms if..."

"No, I shouldn't had said anything. It's not your fault, it's just weird...to see someone else being there." There was sadness coming from his eyes. His eyes sparkled from the tears that emerged through them.

"Is he...?" I know I shouldn't ask but my curiosity got the better of me.

"Missing...The police didn't find anything but they believe he's..." His voice shattered like glass as his tears waterfalled down his cheeks. Shit, I'm an idiot. Why did I ask him?!

"I'm sor-" I tried to apologise before he interrupted me.

"Don't....don't apologise. I've heard it from so many people before and it's irritating." We remained there silent for a moment. It felt awkward. I did not know what to say so I glanced around, trying to find something to start a conversation with. That's when I saw a perfectly golden bracelet around his wrist. 

"Umm...Nice bracelet." I smiled at him, hoping to alter the current mood. He looked at his wrist and beamed as his eyes sparkled from the remaining tear droplets.

"Mateo, my brother, he got it for me. He also has one with my name on it and this one has his. No matter how far away from each other we are these bracelets will always connect us to each other."

"That sounds nice. He sounds nice, sometimes I wish I had a sibling to always be there for you and understand you. I do have my mum though so I can't complain."

"Hah, that's funny I always wanted a mother that would care for me but that didn't happen. I guess we all have something that someone else wants but we don't ever think of it as being that important." He uttered, his finger tips meeting the shining bracelet that surrounded his wrist. "Anyway, I'm bored. Lets go find Fey?" 

"Sure, I'm certain my ears won't be in pain afterwards" I jested. 

"They're not bad actually. Except for singing, they're shit compared to Fey."

"Fey sings?" I questioned. Manuel just laughed at my questioned.

"You're in for a treat!"

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