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The bright yellow sun was slowly transforming into a vibrant orange tint; I could tell time had passed by quickly. Andrew entered the room without any signs of anger this time. It seemed like things were finally turning good for everyone...except Manny. As far as I know he was still locked away in his room. I hope he'll come out soon enough for us to help him. Otherwise if he keeps distancing away from us it'll only get worse for him.

"Hey, where did you go?" I asked him.

"Went to check on Fey. See how she was doing." He dropped right onto his bed.


"Well..." Andrew grunted, pulling his face off his pillow. "...she was mostly avoiding my questions and told me not to worry. So I'm obviously worried." He chuckled.

"Don't worry about it. I got it all sorted out for her." I explained whilst placing the book I was reading next to me.

"If I hear one more person tell me not to worry. I'm seriously gonna start worrying." Andrew quipped. I chuckled in response. Suddenly it felt like we were at the lake again. That fun boy with his witty remarks was finally reappearing. "So what are you reading?" He pointed to the book I placed aside.

"Oh...I've already finished this actually. Right before I arrived here too."

"I thought I asked you what you were reading. Not if you've finished it." He responded with a witty statement.

"Oh, ha ha." I laughed sarcastically. "You're feeling clever aren't you?"

"No, I am clever."

"Mhm." I nodded my head. "It's called 'The Book of Life'." Andrew's face paused for a moment when he heard the name. His mouth slightly twitched on the side, trying his best not to laugh.

"Wow...just wow." He chortled. "That is so original." Andrew mocked the name of the novel.

"Shut up." I tossed my pillow at him. He caught it right before it hit him. "My Mum gave it to me."

"Oh...sorry." The grin was wiped from his face by my comment.

"It was a pretty shitty book though." I jested causing his smile to once again return. "So um...how are you feeling? About all of this." I asked, a moment after we calmed down.

"I don't know...it's all just been crazy." Andrew stared up the ceiling whilst his fingers played with each other. "This entire situation has just made me so frustrated at everything and-" Andrew suddenly stopped and just sat there motionless. I could tell that something was bothering him.


"And I'm sorry for yelling at you. You've been trying to help me all this time but I just kept letting all my anger out on you." His chocolate eyes began melting. I didn't think he knew how much it hurt me when he shouted at me like that but I was wrong. He did and he was punishing himself over it.

"Andrew...it's okay. I know you didn't mean it. You weren't thinking clear-"

"It doesn't matter whether or not I was thinking clearly! I still hurt you. I hurt you when you were there, helping me! It's a mistake I've done twice now and I have to atone for it. I promise you that I will never hurt you again!" Andrew was carrying all this guilt inside him because he yelled at me? I never believed that someone could feel like that. Andrew truly cared for me. I was now certain that even if we did find Mateo, it wouldn't change anything between us. All this occurred so quickly I hadn't even realised that he hugged me. His grip was strong; embracing me as hard as he possibly could.

"I believe you." I muttered under his grasp. Having, Andrew hold me like this made time pass by leisurely. This mere moment only lasted a few second but for me it felt like eternity.

"Sorry to intrude..." I suddenly heard Fey announce herself. "...whatever you two are doing but it's dinner time."

"Yeah, we'll be there soon." Andrew told her as he let go of his embrace. Fey, slowly slithered back out the way she entered and shut the door. When I gazed upwards at Andrew, his sweet eyes were fixed on mine. "Your...your eyes are...beautiful." He complimented me. It was random but sweet nonetheless.

"Umm...thanks!" I giggled a tiny bit. My cheeks heating up to what I would imagine being, a red colour. "We should...go join the others." I suggested. I walked towards the door, ready to open it only for him to stop me.

"Wait!" I felt his firm palm rub against my hand. He looked at me and then down at the ground. It was weird seeing him be shy as he always was the most confident one of us all. "I need to ask...why have you been helping me? I mean you only just met me two day ago and you've done more for me than most people I know."

"Because...you're a great friend, Andrew." I spoke with slight discomfort in my voice. I wanted to tell him that I liked him but I decided against it; it didn't seem like the right time. To be honest it never seemed to be the right time ever. Everytime we were on the brink of something happening between us, there was always something else that had to interrupt us. Maybe we just weren't supposed to be together. Maybe the universe just didn't want us to be together. Maybe...Andrew's mouth opened and spoke something of which I could not comprehend at this moment. "Wh- What did you say?" I asked and I wish I hadn't as his face was full of regret. If it was me I would have just let it go and not repeated my words but, Andrew wasn't like me. He was confident and strong and didn't allow a few words to hurt him.

"I love you!" He exclaimed. Had I misheard him again? Did he really just say what I always believed to be impossible? I was questioning myself whether or not I was dreaming. It didn't seem real. My body was pumped with excitement and fear at the same time. I could feel my heart beating against my chest. It was so strong that a heart attack could occur any second.

"I...I..." I mumbled silently. Those were the only word I could speak as I gazed downwards at the floor. I felt too shy and embarrassed to look him in the eye though I could sense his dominant glance all over me. I tried to calm myself down and clear my mind. I couldn't let this opportunity be ruined by my shyness. "I...do too." I finally managed to reply. His face immediately changed from worried to glowing. Seeing him happy like this also made me feel content. Andrew extended his hand out for me to grab. Everything suddenly seemed more colourful. All my worries, all my stress, all the bad feeling just casually disappeared in an instant. All that I was feeling now was pure bliss as I accepted, Andrew's hand.

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