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Me and Andrew entered the lunch room, feeling the other's hands rub against our own. My body jumped with excitement when he grabbed my palm and sealed it within his own. All my worries disappeared knowing that I had Andrew by my side.

"I guess I did interrupt something" Fey jested when we arrived at her table. She pushed a tray with fish and vegetables towards me, proposing for me to sit beside her. "Go on then, tell me what I've missed."

"Wow, you got Elliot food but not me?" Andrew acted disappointed.

"Well I couldn't carry three trays with me. I'm not a damn octopus!"

"I'm surprised, you certainly smell like one." Andrew chuckled and swiftly walked away before Fey could respond with either an insult or a punch to the mug.

"Malaka." Fey swore under her breath.

"Where's everyone else?" I asked after realising it was only the two of us at the table.

"Manny is still in his room. He's fine though, I got him to talk to me a bit and I have no idea about Matt." Fey's dark ocean eyes were fixed on mine.

"Did you two have a chance to talk?" I asked already knowing the answer. 

"No, you were the one that went to talk to him. So I was hoping you learned something." 

"Well, all that I can say is that there isn't a problem but I can't say anymore." I smiled reassuringly. 

"Thanks, Mastermind. You're a great dude." We both chuckled and began stuffing our mouths with the food placed in front of us. Andrew arrived after a couple of minutes with his tray of food.

"Hey..." We all heard Manny announce his presence. I was shocked to see him but also glad. 

"Hey, come sit." Fey gestured to the chair adjacent to her own. "Where's your food? Did you already eat?" 

"No, I'm fine." Manny's body relaxed on the chair. "Not hungry." 

"Are you sure? You haven't eaten all day. Let me go get you something." Fey was about to stand up but was quickly  stopped.

"I'm not hungry, Fey!" Manny stated again. We sat there quietly hoping for anything to break the silence. Then Andrew spoke.

"Manny...I'm sorry about the bracelet. I know how much it me-"

"It's okay, Andrew. I know that you had to give it in...it just...hurt." Manny assured him. "I think it was necessary. In a way it forced me to realise that I have to move forward." 

"Manny...You can't lose hope. Matty has to be out there." Andrew still hadn't lost hope. He truly believed against all odds that Mateo was still breathing.

"It has been weeks, Andrew. There's no way he's..." Manuel looked away from all of us and sucked in his lips; withholding his tears. "...there's no way he's alive, Andrew and we have to accept the fact that he is gone." Both boys gazed at each other. Both of them pitying the other.

"I can't." Was all that, Andrew had to say. 

"Then I'm sorry ." Manny swiftly left the lunch room. 

"Are you okay?" I rubbed, Andrew's arm. Letting him know that I was here for him when he need me. 

"Yeah..." He cleared his throat. "Yeah, I'm fine." The three of us sat there worn out from all this pain and drama. It was too much to handle. Suddenly, Matt entered the lunch room with his laptop, a stereo and a...microphone. 

"Fey!" He stood on an empty table. "This one's for you!" Music escaped from his stereo as, Matt was getting ready to sing. Once the lyrics began to spew out off his lips and a quick glance at, Fey, was all I needed to know about how this was going to end. Fey was clearly uncomfortable and her face turning into a deeper shade of red. I saw other kids giggling and some even threw food at, Matt. Before I could stop her, Fey grabbed her cup of water and approached the blonde boy aggressively. Matt was drenched in seconds and Fey gone.

Troubled Youthحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن