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Me and Andrew rushed through the woods, trying our hardest not to get hit by any incoming tree branches. We had his phone's flashlight as our only light source which made it difficult to see where we were heading. As afraid as I was that we've probably gotten lost at this point, I still had confidence in Andrew. Shortly after, we finally arrived to what I presumed was the place he wanted to show me. It was a lake, glistening under the moonlight as if it was filled with fragments of a diamond. It looked inconceivable except for...

"What do you think?" Andrew asked. "Wonderful, right?" He smiled like a child showing off his cool new toy.

"Absolutely wonderful! Especially the smell!" I tried containing my smile but the odor was too powerful for my nostrils to handle. It smelled absolutely odious! I could not contain it any longer and began coughing like my life depended on it. I balanced myself next to a tree where I retched whatever I could. Suddenly I heard Andrew laughing hysterically from behind me. I turned and faced him with the best stone-cold killer face I could pull off.

"Sorry." He continued having the time of his life. "I just expected Mastermind to be able to handle a bit of a rotten egg odor." He commented whilst trying to mimic a French accent. It wasn't great.

"I wouldn't call that rotten eggs, more like rotten shit!" I yelled, slightly aggravated.

"We can go back if you can't deal with it." He suggested.

"No!" I immediately denied. "You wanted me to see this for a reason so go ahead."

"Okay." He smiled. I don't know what it was but that damn smile slithered into my mind. It made me irritated but also feel some sort of eruption in my belly. Andrew pulled his shirt over his body, revealing his strong but yet soft abs. My heart beat as if I had ran a marathon. Am I really about to have a heart attack from gazing at his imposing appearance? Keep it together, idiot! "Will you join me for a swim?"

"I-uh..." I couldn't even get a response in before Andrew cannon balled himself into the malodour lake.

"Well come on then!" He screamed when his head emerged from the water.

"Are you trying to get caught?! Keep it down." I hushed at him.

"Don't worry, we're too far away for anyone to hear us. So are you jumping in or not?"

"You know you're going to stink for a month right?" I said whilst approaching him.

"And so will you!" Andrew yelled as he splattered water towards me.

"Stop! You are going to drench my clothes!" I screamed at him.

"Who's the one screaming now?" He sneered. I shook my head in frustration and threw my shirt over to where his clothes laid. His mocking smile disappeared only for an unexplainable one to appear in its place instead. It wasn't as powerful but neither as shallow to not be considered one. I could see his eyes sparkling under the moonlight following me intently and descending down to my slim torso.

"Can you...um...Can you turn around?" I whispered whilst clutching my body. I've never had a problem with my body before but showing it to him felt different. I felt afraid of him judging me. His eyes gazed at mine, letting me know that he had returned to reality. Andrew didn't say anything, in response he turned around and waited. I felt the midnight breeze attack my crotch as soon as I removed my shorts. I dipped my toes into the lake, feeling the chilly sensation spark through me. "Jesus, that is cold!"

"You'll get used to it." Andrew chuckled as I pushed through the freezing pain slowly. The water reached all the way up to my chest making my body shiver under its influence. I hugged myself and tried my best to warm up as I neared Andrew. I placed my back against his, notifying him that I had finally made it. "So how do you feel?" He asked.

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