12 3 3

I couldn't stop Andrew, from barging into, Jeremy's, music room. He had lost all control of his body; guided only by his emotions.

"Jeremy, wake up!" He yelled at the peacefully sleeping man. Jeremy, woke up but it was way to0 slow for anyone.

"W-What's going on?" He groaned, slouched over an empty bottle of what I assumed to be whiskey.

"Seriously?! Are you drunk!?"

"Just tell me what is going on..." Jeremy, glanced at the clock. "At 12 in the morning!"

"I found, Mateo's bracelet at the lake! You told me that the police searched everywhere! I even told you about the lake in the first place so that you can tell the cops to search there!"

"Andrew, please calm down. Let's just be civil about this." I cooed.

"Civil!? Mateo, is out there scared and alone and you expect me to calm down?!" Andrew, roared at me. I know that he didn't mean to shout at me but it still hurt.

"So you two left the premises without permission?"

"Yes and we found, Mateo's, bracelet! So call the police and tell them to search around the lake! AGAIN!" Andrew demanded.

"Why are you all screaming!?" Fey, announced her presence with a groan.

"Because your brother left the premises without my permission." Jeremy, made know.

"Why do you care so much more about us 'leaving the premises'..." Andrew mocked his voice. "Rather than send help out there for, Mateo!?"

"Did you find, Mateo!?" Manny, entered the room with hopefulness. Only to be torn away from him when, Fey placed her hand on his shoulder.

"Because you are still alive! All of you! Every fucking one of you is still alive and I will not have you risking your lives out in the woods unsupervised! It has been weeks and for all we know, Mateo could be dead by now. We need to accept that possibility and move on." Jeremy, bellowed with both pain and anger. The room fell silent, I had never seen, Jeremy, like this and I'm certain everyone else was caught off guard as well. He took a deep breath and relaxed in his chair. "I know that you want to find him...So do I but you can't go out there on your own without me or any of the guards." Andrew was about to respond before, Jeremy, cut him off. "I will call the police right now and let them know. The bracelet will most likely be used as evidence so please hand it over." The man stretched his hand out, awaiting for the bracelet to be given to him. Andrew, gave an apologetic look at, Manuel, as he handed the golden jewellery to, Jeremy. Manny, stormed off without a word.

"Is everything alright, Jeremy?" Adamma, asked.

"Yes, everything is fine, Adamma. Please, everyone go back to your rooms and rest." When we exited the music room, I was surprised by all the people standing there. Kids, teachers and even the kitchen staff were awaken by, Jeremy's and Andrew's, fight. I don't blamed them, I would be curious too if I suddenly heard people screaming at midnight.

"What the hell happened in there?! You guy woke us all up! I probably won't be able to go back to sleep now!" Matt, complained whilst rubbing his disturbed eyes.

"Maybe you should learn going to sleep early like the rest of us do." Fey snapped back.

"I was doing important stuff!"

"Didn't know watching porn was classified as 'important stuff'." Fey, mimicked his voice in an exaggerated manner.

"I was not-" Matt, tried to defend himself but, Fey cut him off immediately.

"Anyway, fill us in on what happened." She asked me and Andrew both. The way this is going, I'm certain that we won't be getting any rest tonight.

We rested as much as we could after explaining everything to Matt and Fey. I was the first to wake up amongst them. Matt, and Fey, were sleeping together in a tangled position; it was pretty cute seeing them like that. They had both passed out so when, Fey, wakes up I am sure she will beat him up for slumbering on top of her. I wondered where, Andrew was only to recall him laying on my bed last night. Then I felt his arm nudge around me. I remembered him trying his hardest not to fall asleep, awaiting for the police's arrival but that was to no avail. I looked down at his fingers, touching each one softly.

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