Coffee Maybe?

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(Patrick's POV)

My anxiety had gone up to 100 when Pete tried to hit me. Or maybe he didnt. I wasnt sure. All I saw was a hand up, threatening.

I ran to my locker and grabbed my stuff and headed to my next class before I heard the murmurs of kids talking about the hit. I just didn't want to deal with it.

-- The next day--

It was the end of the day, finally. I started to walk out of school when I felt a hand grab my shoulder. I quickly turned and saw Pete. Butterflies started to dance in my stomach until I was sure I could've passed out if he hadn't spoke.

"Hey, um" he scratched the back of his neck, "About yesterday, um I just wanted to give you a high five. I didn't want to hurt you, um... I actually just wanted to talk to you. Um maybe we could hang out sometime?"

I could see he was nervous. "Yeah, um sure. This isn't a trap to beat me up or anything?" I was nervous.

"No, um I'm not like my other friends. They are stupid. I just, um, coffee... Tomorrow?"

"Yeah, um sure." I shrugged and left the building.

Why did he want to talk to me?

I felt the stare once again and now knew who it was.

Oh Those Eyes, Oh Those Lips, Oh That Smile (a Peterick FanFic)Where stories live. Discover now