Chapter Eighteen; The Renewal

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           Percy Jackson really hated her life at this very moment in time. This is due to the fact that Rachel Dare stood in the mere entrance of he mother's home. The redhead's eyes had a sort of glossy look to them as she panted heavily. Percy could tell something was very wrong and it was only gonna get worse now that Rachel was there. The only daughter of Poseidon groaned rather loudly in both annoyance and frustration. She gave this life up. Percy gave up the life of a hero; of bringing a hero of Olympus. She couldn't do it anymore. The price she had to pay for those pompous jerks were just too high for her. A price she paid, but never did the gods have to pay it. They got away with blood on their hands, while, she had to deal with all the losses that came her way. Had to deal with every funeral, had to witness every death, watch helplessly as the aftermath sank in, and everything that laid between. It's hell, yet, she can't even complain about it or they'll just threaten her ( like, it would actually work on the girl who had to save them multiple occasions ) Percy shakes her head, which causes her jet dark hair to become displaced, as she slowly backs way from the group.

" No!" Percy states sharply as she back away further. Her tone is dismissive and shaky. To the untrained eye, Percy just looked little surprised, but too eyes like Annabeth Chase's they saw something much different. They saw the horror, fear, and the pain. If Annabeth had to pick anyone in the current room that more then deserved a happy ending or at a the bare minimum a break, the answer would be Percy without so much as a second thought. The girl had been though so much, in so little bit of time. Most of that time, she had been by the girl's side, but that was no more. The daughter of Athena looks at her best friend with pity as the girl looks like she wants to dash away. Which, in all respects, the daughter of Poseidon could very easily do, but, even Percy knew better; even if she didn't want to do it or even grudgingly admit it to herself. But, no one, and I mean, no one can run from destiny their own. Which, is rather, unfortunate....

" You, of all people, should know by now, Seawee Brain, that there will always be another quest after quest." Annabeth sighs. Percy grits her teeth. Her face shifting to hold an emotion that was little more hostility then what the girl probably meant.

" That's the exact problem!" Percy exclaims in frustration and throws her hand up in annoyances. Her friends and Cisco watched silently as the whole thing went down. No one really knew what to say. Seeing Percy upset was kinda a rarity in a way. The girl was usually as mellow and calm as the ocean on a nice day. But, right now, this was definitely the ocean during a dangerous storm. That was quite apparent.

" I'm tried of this! Isn't there someone, literally anyone else, that they can put the weight of the world on. I think that reasonable. I mean, I would say it's more then fair to say that I did my time. We all did! We all did our time holding it the weight of the world. Quite literally for me and Wise Girl." She states fiercely. To some, her sentiments seemed a rather out of character for the daughter of Poseidon, but not to Annabeth. This was something that has always been building underneath the surface. Percy's been in the absolute thick of it all. She been at the epicenter of all. She seen more then most demigods. Done more then basically most demigod will ever. Percy Jackson is certainly an enigma with it all.

      " Percy," calls Hazel softly as she walks towards the girl and rested her hand on the girl's shoulder. She looked into the girl's sadden sea green eyes before hugging her. Percy was so deathly scared of another quest. And, no one could blame her. Hell, the last one ended with her getting kidnapped and mind wiped.  "You can't run. We all can't." Was all that other girl  needed to say. Percy just sighs in mere defeat and shoulder slump forward. Percy looked absolutely miserable as she looked back at Rachel.

       " So, what prophecy do you got for us?" Percy finally grudgingly questioned the other girl. The redhead suddenly gives her an awkward look.

" It wasn't a prophecy. At least, not like any of the ones in the past. I can't explain it, not fully, I guess. It was sorta like a dream but wasn't. Like, a dream with key words. Does that make sense? I don't think it involves the gods. I do know it involves you two, I think." Rachel rambles out as she points between Cisco and Percy. The duo's eyes both go comically wide before they merely look at each other confused.

" What do you mean, you think?" Demands Percy, which caused the redhead to cringe at the other girl's frantic tone. "Come on then!"

" Well, I heard a voice mention the daughter of the sea, which it very obviously means you. Then, the next one is the one that's a bit...tricky. It refers to man made of lightning and speed? Like I already said, I don't know for sure what it means. I just... I just kinda felt the compulsion to be right here. It was like the prophecy was drawing me here." Rachel tried her best to put everything she had seen and felt into the right words.

" But, that doesn't make any sense?"

" No. It actually makes perfect sense, but, not to you. That part is for me. Well, not just me. It's kinda more of a group thing." Retorts Cisco vaguely as he awkwardly rubs the back of his neck. Percy and the other stare blankly at the man as they waited patiently for Cisco to explain further. "I'm not gonna lie, I'm completely lost with what's going on between you're friends and what said friends can do, but, I most admit that it is absolutely crazy that she talking about a guy made of lightening and speed. Especially, given the fact, that I recently saved my best friend, Barry, from...will just call it a unique situation."

" So, it's your friend that must be saved? He must be the one who going to be in the great danger." Rachel tells him. " He's in great danger of threat of-AH!" The redheaded girl suddenly lets out a blood curdling screamed as she reached for her head. " My head! Gods, it hurts! AH! The more I try to think about it and try to use abilities something makes it makes it hurt so bad! This...this has never happened!" Rachel cries out before groaning in pain. Cisco goes rather pale as a serious realization sets in. He looks at Percy with new found seriousness that startles his girlfriend.

        " You're friend, is she a meta human?"

         " I don't even know what that is!" Percy tells him as panicked filled her voice.

           " Seriously! You live in the one city that they attack the most! I told you to be proactive and aware of that city for a reason!" Annabeth scolds Percy.

            " Annie, so not the time for you to be a mother hen. Percy, before you even start, this is not an I told so moment. Also, to answer your question, she isn't." Piper injects.

            " We need to get her to Willow. She'll know what to do." Nico suggests.

              " She's in no condition to shadow travel or travel for long distance." Hazel retorts before Rachel lets out another scream. The girl seemed to be fighting something within that was messing with her mind. "She's getting worse."

          " I have way to get her to my friend, Caitlin, she's a doctor. Whatever secret you guys clearly have, not judging by the way but just tell me when you're ready, she'll keep. Trust me it's sorta our specialty." Cisco tells the group of demigods. Suddenly, Rachel faints before they could even think to make a choice.

         " I guess she choose for us." Mumbled Leo in a half joking half strained voice.


Roses  ||  Percy Jackson DC CrossoverOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora