Chapter Fithteen; Avengers Assemble [ Team Flash + Arrow ]

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Team Flash
Today, 8;26 PM
GoodVibes has changed chat name to Avengers Assemble

GoodVibes; Guys, very important and serious question, who would everyone be in the Marvel Universe

ELSA; probably the hulk
ELSA; because, you know, my frosty Alter
CARER_BEAR ; I can see it. I'm quick sliver obviously
MISS_ALLEN; I'm mean last time I checked your not full of bullets and are completely useless

GoodVibes; Too fucking soon Iris

MISS_ALLEN; :) luv Cisco
SMOKEY; I call beginning Pepper Potts!

GoodVibes; That's so oddly prefect.

SMOKEY; I know, and she badass in heels. I was gonna say Black Widow but we all know I don't workout enough to be THAT badass and cool ;/
HAWKEYE_WANNABE; Love I think you could be ❤️❤️
SMOKEY; Oh shut up Hawkeye. No likes you
SPEEDY; Lol and this why I adore you
SMOKEY; 🖤🖤 you too Thea
HAWKEYE_WANNABE; I feel like my sister trying to steal my girlfriend
SPEEDY; what do you mean TRY? Already have, right babe
SMOKEY; Totally

GoodVibes; And this is why I'm now I voting Thea as Loki

SPEEDY; I mean, I'm okay with this
SMOKEY;  lol
MISS_ALLEN; I can also see Thea as Blackwidow
MISS_ALLEN; Anyways, Who would I be?
CARER_BEAR; Darcy Lewis or Shuri
MISS_ALLEN; I'm okay with either
CARER_BEAR; Now, what about Kara and Alex?
SMOKEY; Kara obviously Scarlett Witch

GoodVibes; I was thinking more of Miss Marvel due to the whole alien thing

SMOKEY; Fair enough
ELSA; I can see Alex as Agent Hill
ELSA; I can also see Hank as Agent Coulson
ELSA; Then Mon-El is probably Thor

GoodVibes; I can see all those. A little hesitant on Mon-El's though
GoodVibes; What about Sara and the rest of the legends

CARER_BEAR; Sara could be Blackwidow???

GoodVibes;  See, I can see her more as Blackwidow then Thea

MISS_ALLEN; Zari is totally Scarlet Witch
ELSA; True
HAWKEYE_WANNABE; Amaya is totally Black Panther
SMOKEY; I feel like this goes without saying, but Ray is totally Ant-Man
SPEEDY; then does that mean Nate is Cap

GoodVibes;  I'm afraid so
GoodVibes;  Mick is totally Rocket
GoodVibes;  Like that's not even a debate
GoodVibes; Also I feel like Wally could be Spider-Man

ELSA; Okay, so who that leave Jax and Stein as? 
CARER_BEAR; Maybe Peter Quill and Tony Stark?
SPEEDY; Possibly?

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