Chapter Fourteen; Um... Wrong Number? [ Leo ]

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A/N; Hey guys, I just wanted you to know that I'll be starting to put the names of the demigods who the chapter mainly about so that easer for you guys to pick out what chapters you want to read. Anyways here a new chapter! Don't worry a new chapter with Cisco x Fem! Percy will be posted soon, but I wanna get this out then a chapter with Nico x Sara.

"Hey Facility, could you send me the specks you been working on?"

" I don't know who Facility is, and or how did you get this number?"

"Damn, sorry. Clearly a wrong number. I got the last two digits mixed."

" It's all good. So you have no idea who you're texting right now?"

"None. And you're not going to tell me, are you?"

"Now where would be the fun in that?"

"Well, I'll leave you alone now anyways. I've got to be getting to work. They can't do much without me today."

" Have an important job, do you? I'd know a bit about that. Some days it seems like the world can't function without me."

"I'm certain that's an exaggeration. And yes, my job is very important."

" I know you're some kind of scientist, or a doctor. Speck is a very definitive word."

" Doctor, scientist and somewhat of an engineer, actually. And what are you?"

" Technically, I own my own forge, but I also share it with my half siblings. I'm a blacksmith. I'm also a bit of an engineer. Or an inventor."

" Huh. Small world. Okay, I really do need to go."

"Alright. I'm sure we'll speak again."

" I doubt that. Nice meeting you, kind of."

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