Chapter 4

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Uh, TW for the aftermath of abuse and creepy guys and shitty moms

Satori wasn't at school the next day. Or the day after. And when you arrived at your shift on Thursday, he wasn't waiting for you, nor did he show up. While you couldn't be bothered, not having someone distracting you from your duties, it felt off to not have him throw himself onto your desk and ask for your notes. While you would never admit it out loud, you were a bit worried for the outrageously tall teen.

Your dad had left for work, only one more hassle from him after the first night, when he came home drunk and there was no food in the refrigerator. You made some rice for him at three in the morning, silencing the complaints that wanted to arise. He left with a few words, after you asked when he would be home next. You had three weeks to yourself, and you silently thanked whatever deity you could think of, as you did every month.

The bell rang for the end of your class on Friday, and you were eager to get to work and get home for the night, having rented a new movie.

You also wanted to stop worrying for Tendou, but you didn't need to think about him then.

"[L/N], a word, please," your Sensei said as you packed up your things and prepared to leave. You cautiously approached the desk he was seated at. A black duotang was handed to you, and you flipped through it quickly. It was printouts of the notes and copies of the homework you had completed throughout the week. "You and Mr. Tendou seem to be close. Closer than he is with anyone else, at least. Could you please take this to him?"

"Yeah, of course, I'll drop it off after work tonight," you said. Sensei nodded, folding his hands in front of him.

"Thank you, [Y/N]. We tried contacting his mother to ask about his absences, but there was no response. Let me know if anything is wrong, alright?" You nodded quickly, taking the folder and rushing from the class.

Once again, almost expectedly, Satori didn't arrive. While your shift droned on, slowly, only a few customers in and out, as expected for a Friday evening, you looked over the folder of notes you had been given. You highlighted important parts and penciled in a few extra points that had been missed. You also answered a few of the questions you knew Satori wouldn't understand. Soon enough, it was closing time, and you made quick work of your after hours clean up, racing to Satori's home, black folder clutched tightly in your hands.

Dusk was kissing the edges of the sky by the time you left the hearth of the cafe, your feet guiding you along to the street you had once accidentally found yourself traversing. The further away from the cafe, the deeper into the residential neighbourhood, the more dilapidated the house became. The moon's face was rearing its presence low in the sky by the time your eyes set on the small house you sought.

Wearily, your feet carried you up the crooked porch steps, each emitting a groan when weight was applied. The house had drawn, lacy curtains that might have been a pretty white in the past, but now more resembled an old man's yellowing teeth.

You knocked on the splintered wooden door with the edge of your knuckles. You shook your hand as you pulled it away, afraid that you might catch small wooden chips if it lingered further.

You were met with a pause of silence with no indication that anyone was home. However, sudden rapid footsteps echoed from behind the door. The splintered plank was yanked open unceremoniously, and there in the doorway stood a short, spindly woman. Dark bags pulled at her eyes, with a narrow squint pointed in your direction. Faded, and truthfully tacky, bleached hair was pulled tightly into a low pony-tail, wisps of it flying out in every direction (kind of giving her a look that much resembled an 'amoeba'). Her face was littered with wrinkles, a cigarette was mashed between her lips, smoke permeating her face like a dragon.

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