Chapter 3

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When Roxanne woke up the next day, there was Ron standing in front of the door. He looked like he was waiting for her to woke up before he approached the bed. Gwen was nowhere to see.

"Why are you here early in the morning?"

'Isn’t it too really for this?'

She was annoyed to looked at Ron's face as soon as she woke up.

"It's almost noon, young lady."

Ron answered with a soft voice and his usual benign smile. He looked back and forth between her and her side and continued to speak.

"...and I need to wake the young master up."

Roxanne looked at her side too and started to frown. She saw Cale sleeping soundly beside her. She was the one who asked him to sleep here, but she was regretting it now.

'And why is he sleeping so beautifully like that? Is he secretly the snow white in the fairy tales?'

Roxanne felt weird seeing Cale's sleeping face. As someone who once live as Cale Henituse, she denied that she looked like this in the past.

She decided to ignore Cale right now. Convincing Ron to leave her bedroom was the foremost.


"Young master Cale need to eat his breakfast. You need to eat your breakfast too, young lady."

He still had his benign smile but his eyes seemed cold. Ron's gaze was so vicious she barely retorted him back.

She had wanted Ron to leave, however, she was hesitated. She didn't know that last night Cale had eaten his dinner or not. She thought that the eighteen years old Cale needed to eat. And she was hungry too. Last night she didn't want to caused a ruckus and woken up the chef in the middle of the night just because she was hungry. So she only drank the horrible sour lemonade and after that she had another sleep.

Knock Knock Knock

"Young lady, it's Gwen."

"Come in."

Gwen opened her bedroom and looked at Ron that already in the room. The maid then looked at Cale who was still sleeping peacefully in Roxanne's bed. Last, she looked at her lady's frowning face. The maid decided to act like her usual self and pretend that she didn't see her lady's frown.

"Do you want to take a bath, my lady?"


"I'll prepare it right away."

Gwen went into the bathroom. Roxanne didn't want to see and listen to Ron attempt to wake his brother up. So she followed Gwen and went to the bathroom instead.

x x x

Being a woman was...weird. Her weight was felt too light. It was far too light compared to her previous 'broomstick' body that Choi Han had said. Furthermore, she still didn't used to the weight of the extra lumps in her chest.

'Is it normal to have a pile of fat on the chest even though she was very thin?'

She couldn't help to felt odd with her new body.

When she was waiting for Gwen to prepare the water, she saw a mirror at the farthest corner of the bathroom. It was just a half body mirror but it would be enough to looked at Roxanne's face.

There was not a single mirror in her bedroom and Roxanne's memories was oddly foggy about her face.

She thought that it was because Roxanne didn't want to remember her mother face. The mother that left her behind with only her loneliness.

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