Chapter 5: Luke

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Luke was surprised with himself. He had told Ashley about the one thing that made him vulnerable. He had told her about his mother. That she died. He couldn't help it. He felt so comfortable with Ashley. The words just rolled down from his mouth. He felt that she wouldn't judge him like others. 

What are you thinking! a voice chided in his mind. It's ASHLEY we're talking about! She was the one who made your school life miserable, the one who had embarrassed you in front of everyone! Luke debated within his own thoughts for a while.

He looked up to see Ashley's expression which he didn't quite understand. Great, He thought. I was wrong about her. She is judging me. Pfft, I don't even know what made me think she wouldn't. He looked at her again. Is she pitying me?! I don't need her pity, he spat within himself, anger boiling up.

Luke hated people pitying him. It made him feel so low than he already felt. It was why he never told anyone about his mother.

Well, other than he didn't have anyone to tell this to, that was the reason.

Luke took a deep breath and clenched his jaw.

"I'm so sorry" Ashley whispered. It was the first time either of them spoke and broke the long silence. "I didn't know." Her eyes held a sad expression.

"Listen," Luke said through gritted teeth. He was angry. "I don't need your sympathy" Luke spat. "I don't need your pity, your sympathy. I don't need you judging me. Just forget I ever said that."

He thought Ashley might leave, but she didn't. She put a hand on his shoulder. "Luke, listen-" He shook her hand off.

"Luke-" she put her hand on his knee. He pushed it away.

"Listen to me, Luke," she said again, this time putting more pressure on her hand as she kept it on his shoulder once again. He obliged.

Luke turned to face her and was once again met with the same unknown expression. "Don't look at me like that" he grumbled.

"Like what?"

"Like that," he motioned towards her face. "Your face in that expression. Your eyebrows all scrunched up. You're pitying me."

"It's not pity," she said in a soothing tone.

"And that soft voice you speak in," Luke added.

Ashley sighed, but she wasn't going to give up. "I understand," she continued.

"What?" Luke looked at her

"I understand how you feel"

"How do you understand?" She's not in my shoes. She doesn't have a dead mother...does she? Luke thought. "Is your mother dead too?"


"Then how do you understand?"

"Because you're my friend. That's what friends do."

You're my friend. The words echoed through Luke's mind. He had a friend. The expression he had seen was not pity, it was understanding. He had a friend who understood him. Even though he talks with his classmates and other people, he never really had anyone whom he could call a friend. But now he did. It had been years since he had a real friend that he forgot how it would feel like, to have a friend.

He looked at her gratefully.

"I am your friend?" He asked, his anger quickly melting away.

"Of course you are," Ashley chuckled. "You are, right?" She asked him, half-serious, half-joking.

"Yeah" he laughed lightly and looked at her. He stared into her ocean eyes. She held his gaze and didn't turn away. Luke stared into her deep blue orbs. He noticed the darker shade of blue streaks around her pupil. They stayed like that for a while, staring into each other, sky blue mixing with sea-green.

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