Chapter 6: Ashley [Part 2]

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Ashley tapped her foot impatiently, waiting for Luke to come so that she could see his outfit. It had been almost half an hour since he had been gone and still hadn't returned. Ashley was about to get up and look for him when she stopped in her tracks. Her breath hitched as she looked at the boy in front of her.

Luke stood there, in front of Ashley, with his hands inside his pockets. Ashley couldn't take her eyes off of him.

There he was, in an all-black outfit. His black pencil pants showed off his long legs. He wore a black shirt that looked as if it was custom made just for him. The shoulder stitches bent down perfectly on his shoulder blades, forming a perfect frame. The sleeves were rolled up till his elbows that showed his slightly tanned arms. Ashley's eyes travelled up to his neck and she turned a light shade of pink as she realized his top button was open, revealing his slender collarbones. His Adam's Apple bobbled as he swallowed nervously.

Ashley looked up at his face and found the slight bit of shyness hidden in his eyes. He smiled bashfully at her. She looked at him once again, his entire form, and even though his eyes showed shyness, he just radiated confidence. It was as if a bold aura was radiating off of him. Ashley snapped out of her reverie and took a few steps back, looking at him from head to toe regarding his outfit.

"Well?" Luke raised his eyebrows, waiting for an answer. "I know I look amazing. I saw it in your reaction when you first took a look." He smirked.

Ashley just wanted to wipe that smirk right off his face. "Oh please. One, you don't look that amazing, and two, what do you mean 'my reaction'?" She made air quotes with her fingers to emphasize it.

"Oh come on, don't act. I saw," he winked, tugging at his shirt collar.

Ashley could feel her face heat up as she fought down the blush that threatened to creep up her cheeks. "Whatever. Shut up."

"Well, you still didn't answer my question." Luke changed the topic.

"What question?"

"How do I look?"

"Fine. You look fine."

"Is that all?"



"Ugh, you look good. Better, actually. Those old clothes were boring. Now come along."


"Hey, so, about your, uh...idea last night. Of, um, you know, uh, bringing my mom back and all that?"

The atmosphere quickly changed. The air that was just filled with laughter, was now with heavy tension. The tension was so thick you could cut it with a knife. They had been watching a movie and snacking, and now when the movie was over, Luke brought up what Ashley dreaded most about. But she also wanted to talk about it, since it was the only logical solution to the situation they were in.

"Yeah?" she replied nervously.

"I've been thinking about it. But, like, in what way will it help us though? I mean, why did you think of it?" It seemed like Luke was extremely nervous as well.

Ashley mustered up some courage and decided to get this over with.

"Okay, so we're supposed to fulfil a dearest wish, right? Only then we can return back to our day?"

Luke nodded.

"Hm. So what could be more dear than bringing one's mother back, really? Trust me, I've thought a lot. This is the only way." Ashley said solemnly.

Luke kept silent.

Ashley sighed and shifted in her place to face Luke properly. "I know it's hard for you. But just think about it. I mean, if we save your mother, we'd get back to the present and get yourself a mother." Ashley said as nonchalantly as possible.

"You will have your mother back." She coaxed but at the same time, she meant it. Luke wouldn't be shutting himself from other people if he got his mom back. He wouldn't be a jerk like how others thought he was. He would be more lively, more cheerful. And most important of all, he would have someone at home who understands him. Who would support him no matter what. Who would take care of him. Ashley never thought of this before, but now, considering Luke's situation, she was grateful for her mother. She realized with a start that she hadn't seen her mother for almost three weeks now. She missed her so much. Tears prodded at the back of her eyes but she blinked them away. She couldn't tear up now in front of Luke. She had to be strong and convince him of her plan.

Ashley expectantly looked at Luke who sighed and closed his eyes, leaning back. There's no way he would agree to this. Bringing a dead person alive is itself creepy enough, but bringing his own mother back? He must feel horrible. But this is the only way. What if he doesn't agree? What if he refuses? What will I do? Will I be stuck here forever? Panic rose through her as she tried to keep her calm. She looked down at her feet and thought about what would happen if he refused. She would never meet her family. Her mother. Tears again prickled her eyes. She was afraid. Afraid that she would be stuck here forever. She thought about school and home where she was annoyed at snapped at people. She would wish if she could just disappear from that world at times. But now, now she had. She had disappeared from that world. She would give anything to return to the present, to be back home. A lump formed in her throat and she swallowed a sob that followed.

The atmosphere was silent except for the unsteady breathing of Ashley's. Neither of them spoke a word. Ashley had given up hope when she heard a hoarse voice.

"Fine," Luke croaked.

Ashley deflated as relief spread through her body. Her vision went slightly blurry as tears of relief sprang but she quickly wiped them away.

"Oh thank you, thank you!" She cried. She wanted to throw her arms around him and hug him tightly but thought it would be inappropriate since they were alone. Instead, she took his hands and squeezed them tightly.

Luke laughed lightly at her reaction as a small genuine smile formed on his lips.

"Okay, so where are we going?" Ashley asked as the relief died down. "I mean your mom. Where did she...uh you know. Um..." she trailed away nervously.

Luke brought out the little golden sphere from his desk that Ashley recognized as the time-turner. "I'll tell you," Luke replied. "But not now."

Ashley furrowed her brows in confusion.

"We'll first go to the place," Luke said as he examined the Time-Turner carefully, deciding the time and place they would travel to. Once he got it, he looked up at Ashley determinedly.

"You ready?"

Ashley nodded nervously, unaware of what was going to happen next, and where they were going.

Luke touched the small dial with his thumb and forefinger and turned it slightly.

A gasp escaped both of their throats as the atmosphere around them started to change. They felt light as if they were levitating. The temperature went cold. Their surroundings swirled into a mixture of different colours until it was a dull grey. Ashley shut her eyes as tightly as possible as she gripped the hand next to her's, which in return gripped back. Her head was spinning as she felt engulfed in nothing.


Word count: 1,262

Published on: Monday, 14th June 2021

A/N: wow i enjoyed writing this chapter. i felt like this chapter made up for the previous boring one. Did it? anyways thanks for wasting your time on my crappy story. vote and comment to make this idiot happy.



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⏰ Last updated: Jun 14, 2021 ⏰

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