Chapter 6: Ashley [Part-I]

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Ashley cringed at herself as soon as she said it. She cursed at herself for telling her idea out loud. She knew he would explode like a volcano. She laid on her bed, her eyes opened wide as her face scrunched up, ready for the impact. She waited for him to gasp and get angry at her. But he didn't. 

Instead, he just laid on the floor without a word. She waited for a while, not daring to say anything. Seconds passed as Ashley wondered if he had even heard what she said or dozed off already. If he had heard, then surely he wouldn't be wordless like this.

Ashley quietly shifted and moved to the edge of the bed so she could see Luke. He was awake, alright. His eyes had a faraway look as he was staring off into space.

"Yeah," he sighed after a while which caught Ashley off-guard.

Is he agreeing to what I said? Is he even acknowledging it? He's not angry, wow. 

Luke sighed again, which broke her trail of thoughts. "Listen, can we...can we talk about this in the morning? I need to think about it" 

"Of course," Ashley said understandingly. She laid her back on the bed, facing the ceiling. Sure, she was happy that Luke didn't get mad at her, but she also understood how hard was for him. She sighed, then turned on her side and fell into a deep dreamless sleep.


Ashley didn't dare mention the events of last night. It was not because she was scared or anything, because she as sure as hell was not. She didn't want to ruin the positive atmosphere surrounding them. 

Luke was cheerful and bouncy like he had been lately. They would always make snarky and lame comments at each other and annoy one another to no end. There were times when Ashley had to restrain herself from reaching over and strangling him. She had also noticed the satisfied smirk on his face whenever he managed to irritate her.

The morning, or the afternoon, as we must say since they woke up late, as usual, [both of them woke up late for the past week. None of them bothered to get up early. Neither of them was a morning person. I mean, who doesn't like sleep? They would sleep and sleep and even lay in bed after waking up until they got bored of the ceiling and decide to trudge out of bed]. Ashley was having her so-called lunch i.e., a bowl of cereal. They had gotten bored of going to restaurants and eating. They just didn't care about meals. They would gobble up packets of Cheetos and big scoops of ice creams whenever their stomachs felt less full.

Luke came and sat across her at the table. She noticed him looking at her funnily. Ashley could feel his eyes on her.

"You know, we should go out." Luke finally said.

Ashley almost choked on her spoon. Go out. Go out! Does he want to go out with me?! That was why he was staring at me? Is this really happening? Or am I dreaming? I don't mind going out with him, though. I mean, he's a cute guy. He does have a great personality. Shut up, shut up! But-

"-ley. Ashley! ASHLEY!" Luke waved his arms in the air trying to get her attention. She snapped out of

"Y-yeah?" Ashley asked nervously. She bit her lip. Luke kind of looked ridiculous right now, sitting in his pyjamas with messy hair and waving his hands up in the air like a mad person. But she was too nervous to laugh.

"What do you think? I mean, I'm tired of hanging around this boring old house. Let's go and explore, you know. Go shopping and stuff."

"Oh," Ashley said. Ohhhh. So that's what going out means. Of course, that's what it means. And I thought- Pfft. "Shopping, sure."

Then she realized. Shopping. Shopping. She absolutely loved shopping! It had been ages since she had gone shopping. She never had the time. All her friends would invite her whenever they went but Ashley had always turned it down. But now she was going shopping!

"Shopping? I love shopping! Oh em gee, let's go right away!" She said excitedly and scrambled off to get ready, leaving a chuckling Luke behind.


Ashley breathed in the scent of fresh new clothes. She looked around and realized it was her favourite store. She turned to face Luke. "This is my favourite place to shop! How did you know?"

"Wow really? Well, the thing is, I didn't know. This is my favourite shop as well"

"What? No way!" He has a favourite place to shop? Does he even go shopping? Aren't guys supposed to like, get bored of shopping? Well wow. Ashley was getting surprises every often since she met Luke. Firstly, turns out he isn't a jerk or a brat she thought he was, then turns out he's actually soft and vulnerable, he's funny, his smile is genuine, he's cute, and- wait what? Cute? Ashley, NO. Remember that this is Luke we are talking about. Ashley shook her head to clear her thoughts and looked at Luke who was looking back at her with a slightly annoyed look on his face.

"What, you think guys can't shop?" He asked with a raised eyebrow as if daring her to say something.

"Well, yeah, I've never seen a guy so keen on shopping, let alone have a favourite store."

Luke let out a frustrated sigh. "Ugh. 'Guys can't shop.' What kind of nonsense is that? I really hate those stereotypes."

"Well it is kind of true, isn't it? I mean, guys don't normally shop, do they?"

"So what now, you're telling me I'm not normal?" Luke retorted with a tone that Ashley couldn't quite put her finger on.

"What? No! it's just- I mean, like- You're not, you're not like- You are normal. It's just that- Argh, just forget it." She snapped, annoyed.

"Chill, I was just kidding," Luke smirked. "But seriously though. The idea that 'guys don't shop' is just know"

And they walked further inside the store.



For what seemed like the fifth millionth time, Ashley rolled her eyes at his rejection of her outfit. Ashley just wanted to buy a new outfit. But Luke pretend to gag at every single outfit she chose and shook his head vigorously.

"You have no fashion sense, Ashley. Seriously."

"Oh yeah? Then since you have so much fashion sense, why don't you put together an outfit and try it on, boi?"

"Uh-huh, darling. That eez wot I am going to do." And he left.

Ashley rolled her eyes at his fake French accent and sat on a stool, waiting for him to return.

A/N: Bonjour! Me back!!

This chapter was kinda confusing to write tbh. I wrote this three weeks back before my exams started, and guess what. It got deleted.😀 FML. So then I had to rewrite it again now that my exams are over. And ik nothing really happened in this chapter. It was just a filler ig. 

At first, I wrote a bit and it was too short and I needed smthg to fill in. And I got the shopping idea but now it's TOO big. So that's y its 2 parts. I'm sorry for wasting your time.😀 You guys please PLEASE tell me if y'all like these fillers and them-spending-time-together scenarios.

Oh and what do you think Luke is gonna do? How will his outfit be? And what would Ashley's reaction be? Stay tuned to find out!

Don't forget to vote and comment and make an idiot person happy👹

Au revoir,


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