chapter 1

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  I had always dreamed of finding my mate, but it seemed impossible because I was not only an orphan I was also a rogue. I had lived my life alone and had survived, but then one day I was hunting for food in the woods and saw a rabbit. I was in my wolf form and crouched down low, waiting to attack and when the time was right I jumped into the air, lunging for it, but quickly had the wind knocked out of me when I was tackled to the ground. I looked up at the wolf standing over me adn at first he was bearing his teeth at me, but then he suddenly stopped and got off me. I looked at the wolf strangely and when he shifted back into his human form I did as well. As soon as our eyes locked I knew that he was my mate and I was overjoyed, but also scared. He was obviously from a pack and I was a rogue, would he accept me or reject me? I didn't have to wait long as he walked straight to me and wrapped his arms around me, hugging me.

  “MINE!” He said, growling possessively.

  “MATE!” I replied, growling back. I pulled away from him slightly, looking into his deep blue eyes and it was then that I realised that we were both standing here naked and I had no idea what his name was.

  “What's your name?” He asked, as if he was reading my mind.

  “Aurora, what's yours?” I asked and he smiled.

  “Austin.” Austin replied and the sound of his name was heavenly to me. 

  “Come on, you are coming back to my pack with me, you don't need that rabbit, I have plenty of food.” Austin said, reaching behind a tree and pulling out some clothes. I looked at him curiously and he started to laugh.

  “You are on my pack's territory, we have clothes scattered all around. Here, put this on.” Austin said, handing me a long t-shirt. I quickly put it on while he put a pairs of shorts on, leaving his muscular chest bare. He took my hand in his and began to lead the way back to his pack. His eyes glazed over on the way there and I could only assume that he was letting his Alpha know that I was with him and that I was his mate, not an intruder.

  “So, what is the name of your pack?” I asked, curious as to know where I was going and where I was going to be living if he accepted me.

  “Red River Pack. I think you will like it there.” Austin replied, but I still had one question burning into my brain. I stopped in my tracks, not wanting to go any further until I had an answer.

  “Listen, I’m not going to go any further, until I know if you are going to accept or reject me.” I said and Austin walked over to me, cupping my face with his hands and kissing the tip of my nose.

  “I have been waiting years for my mate, so I’m not going to let you go now that I have found you. I accept you.” Austin said and I started to blush as I nodded. Austin leaned down and gently pressed his lips to mine, kissing me. We carried on back to his pack and he took me straight to his house, which looked so beautiful and cosy. It felt like a real home. Austin and I spent the next few days alone, just getting to know one another and talking, it was really nice and I was so happy. I felt like everything was finally working out for me. Austin was both loving and caring, he was protective and considerate, he was everything that I could ever want in a mate. After a few more days of being together Austin and I mated and marked each other, becoming one with each other and it was a magical and pleasurable moment for both of us, but once we had mated and marked each other our hunger for each other grew and we couldn't keep our hands off of each other. We were out for a walk one day and suddenly Austin was jumped on by four big guys, I was worried at first, but when I heard them all laughing I soon calmed down.

  “Aurora I would like you to meet my friends, this is John, Richard, Samuel and George. Guys, this is my mate, Aurora.” Austin said, introducing us. Each of them smiled brightly at me and I already felt welcomed by them as they each shook my hand.

  “Glad you finally found your mate. Aurora, you will have to meet our wives.” George said and I nodded.

  “I would love to.” I replied, nodding. 

  “Well they should be down by the lake about now, how about we all go and see them?” Richard asked and I looked at Austin, who was already nodding.

  “Sounds good.” Austin replied, wrapping his arm around my waist and pulling me closer to him. We started to walk towards the lake and I could see four women sitting on blankets, setting up a picnic. We walked over to them and as soon as they saw us coming they all stood up and greeted us.

  “Hey ladies, guess who finally found his mate?” John said, nodding to Austin and I. the women seemed to become really excited by this fact and I was soon surrounded as Austin was pushed out of the way. I couldn't help but laugh at the pouting look on his face, as I was hugged left right and centre by the four women. 

  “Hi, I’m Georges mate Gia, this is Richard’s mate Justine, this is Samuel’s mate Evegeniya, but we all call her Evie and this is John’s mate Michelle. What's your name?” Gia asked, as they all stepped back, giving me air to breath.

  “My name is Aurora, it's a pleasure to meet all of you.” I replied and they all smiled at me. Gia and Michelle linked arms with me and walked me to the blankets, sitting me down. Austin came and sat behind me, wrapping his arms around me and pulling me back so that I was leaning against his chest, while all the other men did the same to their mates. We talked for hours and they all seemed really nice, we had already arranged to meet here on a regular basis and I could see that I was going to be great friends with all of them, they were all so welcoming and friendly. As the day was coming to an end Austin and I said our goodbyes and headed back home. It had been a really lovely day and I had never felt so happy as what I did now with my mate. We went to bed that night and made love to each other. 

  Over the next few days Austin was being really secretive with me and for some reason the other women were always with me, trying to keep me busy and it was starting to worry me. What was Austin hiding from me? I know he wasn't with another woman because one I would have felt it through the mate bond and two the other women would have never allowed it, so what was he up to? I had gotten sick and tired of him avoiding me and all the secretive behaviour so I decided to confront him about it as it was driving me up the wall. I walked upstairs and straight to our bedroom, but the door was locked. I could hear that Austin was in there, I could hear him moving about, but why would he lock the door?

  “Austin, why is the door locked? What are you doing?” I asked, banging on the door, but then everything went silent.

  “I can't tell you, not yet. Just trust me. Please.” Austin replied, making me huff. This was getting ridiculous. I stormed off back downstairs and went to the kitchen to start making dinner. I was so annoyed with his behaviour, it was driving me up the wall and made no sense at all. We had always told each other everything and had never kept anything back, I even told him about my life as a rogue, even though I was ashamed of it, but he never judged me. What the hell was he hiding up there?

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