chapter 3

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  A couple of days later Austin and I managed to drag ourselves not only out of bed, but also out of the house. We were on our way to the lake to meet with our friends and I couldn't wait to tell the women what had happened and show them my ring. Austin and I casually walked over to our friends with huge smiles on our faces and everyone just looked at us suspiciously.
  “What's going on? Why do you both look like the cat that got the cream?” Evie asked, curiosity getting the best of her.
  “Well, it's a beautiful day, we are here with our friends and….” I said, waving my hands about, hoping they would see my ring, but when they didnt I held my hand out in front of them.
  “OH MY GODDESS!!” The women all screamed together, grabbing my hand and admiring my ring. Each of the women hugged me all at once, nearly suffocating me and I started laughing. The guys all jumped on Austin, burying him with hugs and pats on the back and then they all came and gently hugged me, which I was grateful for. Straight away the women grabbed me and started discussing wedding ideas, much to my amusement.
  “So have you decided when you are going to tie the knot?” Gia asked, taking a sip of her drink.
  “We haven't decided anything yet, but I just want a nice simple wedding with our close friends.” I replied, as Austin came and sat behind me.
  “I don't care where we get married or who comes as long as you and I are then then I’m happy.” Austin said, earning him a slap to the back of the head from both Gia and Justine.
  “Austin, we are coming to your wedding and it is going to be done properly. It's not everyday that you get to marry your mate, so you are doing this the right way.” Michelle said and Austin sat to attention, saluting her. Everyone started laughing as the women and I started making plans for the wedding. I was adamant that I wanted it to be just the people here, I didn't want a big flashy wedding, I wanted something simple and personal. Once we had discussed everything we still needed to figure out a location.
  “How about right here by the lake. Aurora and I both love the outdoors and this would be perfect.” Austin asked and it was an excellent idea.
  “That's perfect. I love it.” I replied, kissing his cheek. Seeing as it was summer and all the trees were in blossom this place would be perfect, it looked beautiful here and so romantic.
  “Okay well now we need someone to conduct the ceremony, normally it's the Alpha or an elder that conducts the ceremony.” George said and I had never met an elder before, but I had met the Alpha and he seemed like a really nice and decent man. He seemed to care for his pack and that was the best kind of Alpha to have.
  “Do you think Alpha Stewart would agree to conduct the ceremony?” I asked, but no one answered and instead they were all looking behind me.
  “I would be honoured to.” Alpha Stewart said, coming up behind us and startling me. I had no idea that he was here or that he had heard me talking, but I was so glad that he already agreed to do it.
  “Really? You will?” I asked and he nodded.
  “You two were meant for each other and I would be honoured to conduct the ceremony, but I have to leave for another pack in four days time and I won't be back for a couple of weeks.” Alpha Stewart replied, making the women sigh.
  “What do you think? Can we do it within three days?” I asked Austin.
  “Of course we can, the only thing I care about is being married to you. I don't need a flashy wedding with all the trimmings, I just want to be married to you.” Austin replied, hugging me tighter and kissing my forehead.
  “Okay, let's do this then. We have three days to get everything ready.” I said, standing up and shaking Alpha Stewart’s hand after Austin had. Could we really do it? Could we really plan a wedding in three days or was it going to be too much for us to do? What if we couldn't do it?

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