Making a Mod!

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U read that title right!

Rn im working with a friend to make a mod for Buddy!

I'll give u some info >.>

Buddy has a dead sibling
Buddy has a friend
Their friend betrayed em


There is much much more than that but i dont wanna spoil it when its done, altho it may take a long time to make

We also have a song we are gonna base the music off of


Buddy will sing first

Then their friend

Then Buddy and his friend will sing together, near the end Buddy will begin to break down while singing uvu

Also, the ghost will appear for a small part of the song

and the fourth and last song will be dedicated to the ghost!

that's all u get to know

just know

Buddy gonna be suffering >.>

Aight bai bai
(146 words including this)

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